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[Hanson] The Train Is Leaving the Station: Will our "friends" jump on in time?
National Review Online ^
| April 4, 2003
| Victor Davis Hanson
Posted on 04/04/2003 5:10:57 AM PST by xsysmgr
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To: nanny
China has played the entire Iraq scene, both the UN/French treachery and the war itself, with consumate skill. They have nominally come out against the war, of course, but have done it in a *really* low key way: they never threatened to veto even as the French and Russians did repeatedly.
They come out of this smelling like a rose, and have made up with the US by putting the squeeze on Kim Il-Sung using the oil imports...
Happened after they started realizing what a war with the US would be like. Not pretty for them at all. I think we just made Taiwan safe for another *TEN* years, i am willing to wager
Watch for a major rapproachment with China, well before one between the US and France for example...
posted on
04/07/2003 10:12:40 AM PDT
(Gnocchi Seuton!)
To: El Sordo
posted on
04/07/2003 12:08:32 PM PDT
("BOOM! Here comes the BOOM! Ready or Not! Ha Ha! How ja like me now!" -- POD)
To: Warhammer
bookmark for later
To: chilepepper
Watch for a major rapproachment with China, well before one between the US and France for example... Interesting. But China is dangling a spider at the end of a stick. Time to put it away. North Korea cannot endure under the current leadership. Time for china to give Kim Il a one way ticket.
posted on
04/07/2003 12:40:18 PM PDT
To: js1138
Time for china to give Kim Il a one way ticket. They may well do that. I think the that the Iraq show starring the new and improved US Military has given the Chinese leadership an acute case of angst
Their pet dictator is starting to become a burden or even a danger to them, particularly if because of his antics the Japanese start to seriously rearm...
posted on
04/07/2003 5:15:43 PM PDT
(Gnocchi Seuton!)
To: xsysmgr
Hanson clarity bump
posted on
04/08/2003 10:46:15 AM PDT
To: xsysmgr
Bump. Thanks for the article - on target.
posted on
04/08/2003 10:50:44 AM PDT
(bwteim=Begin With The End In Mind)
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