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Fiedor Report On the News #307 ^
| 3-23-03
| Doug Fiedor
Posted on 03/22/2003 9:24:01 AM PST by forest
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Anti-American protesters: 5% Sosh/Commy, 20% opportunists, 20% 2nd hand hippies, 20% misc, the rest were party goers.
Wn X's Editor Pruden nailed the old faces.
Known Sosh/Commy org's back it.
Foreign money running protests is bad news.
posted on
03/22/2003 9:24:01 AM PST
To: forest; 4ConservativeJustices
Being an ex-hippie this post is on the mark. For most it is a party, a rock concert, a time to tear up stuff. The young females are there duped into believing they are saving women and children; while the young males are there hoping to get laid. History repeats itself, with the same-old-groups footing the bill...
posted on
03/22/2003 9:35:40 AM PST
(Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,...)
To: forest
...and tabs often run as high as $200,000 per demonstration; much more than the average grassroots peace group will ever have in its coffers." As Fox News asks, "So who is picking up the tab?"
The Marxists at the Workers World Party(5), Fox Reports:
Well then, lets take a page from the Ronald Reagan Playbook and encourage them to protest and empty their treasury. Make it expensive for the usual suspects.
posted on
03/22/2003 9:43:50 AM PST
(Democrats are confused by 2+2=4 and 2x2=4.)
To: Ff--150
I agree that the protests are probably organized by commies, but I'll bet a lot of the cash is really coming from Sadam Insane. Cui bonum.
posted on
03/22/2003 9:45:02 AM PST
To: forest
Bump. Excellent post. Wonder why the media doesn't jump on this? Oh, that's right, some of them are probably funding this to create news.
To: forest
But this is a new kind of protest movement! These are just mainstream Americans of all stripes, united in their opposition to an unjust war!
posted on
03/22/2003 10:19:38 AM PST
To: AmericanInTokyo; weegee; no-s
More info on our friends at ANSWER.
posted on
03/22/2003 10:21:44 AM PST
Ben Hecks
To: Ben Hecks
Well like Karl Marx said the United States will fall to communism from within.
I hate to say it but the liberals are doing just that, they are turning us into a socialist country.
posted on
03/22/2003 10:33:17 AM PST
To: forest
The Baathist Party of Saddam is based on the venerable
Joesph Stalin's totalitarian societal model of fear and repression and his engineering of a cult of personality.
It's now wonder that the groups that are marching for 'peace' are communists also, that idolize 'ol kindly Uncle Joe and want to defend his legacy of genocide.
..........of course, a little of Hitler's facistic antisemitism is thrown in just for 'diversity' sake just to adhere to Liberalism's basic philosophy.
posted on
03/22/2003 10:56:25 AM PST
(Liberalism = Evil)
To: nbritt
To: forest
To: forest
Since this is my very first post I am not certain if this is going to everyone or just one person or what happens, ok here goes, at least it will be a learning experience and I hope I spell everything right. Anyway my comments on this communist funding the demonstrations is as follows.
I think that it is truly a sad comment on our society that it could cost $200,000 for the People, any people, to get together in public and voice their opinions and feelings no mattter what the issue is about.
So if you haven't got an extra couple hundred thousand laying around and you aren't on the ball weeks in advance to apply for permits and pay the fees and order the toilets and all the rest you just get to stay home and think to yourself?
I can just imagine what the founding rebels would have thought about that. Ok; so a guy makes say 50 thou a year, he has to pay four years wages, well lots more than that considering he won't have nearly that much after paying the taxes he is burdened with, some effective rate of what is it today 72%? [I heard that amount on Cspan last night]. So the question is how many years must this one man labor just to invite his fellow citizens out in public to voice their personal opinions along with his own, without the risk of going to jail for failing to pay in advance?
I know we are a capitalistic country but hey enough is enough, isn't it? When did we get to the point that only the extremely wealthy, or some well funded organization whoever they may be, can afford to demonstrate in public?
Another thing that is bothering me, sure protesting this war is perhaps unpopular with certain people, maybe even a super majority but don't we still think in this country that all people have the unalienable right to the freedom of speech? I can remember when it was Ok and even popular to go about saying, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I can't remember the last time that I heard any one utter that phrase. Is that because it is perhaps a politically incorrect statement these days perhaps because it mentions violence and therefore violates the zero tolerance rule? What does that say about us as a society? Have we really sunk that far. As I look around today I am reminded more and more of the book Catch 22, the part where everyone was signing loyalty papers before they could do anything, until that day when the new guy [I think he was a young lieutenant] showed up and refused to sign anything that was as ridiculous as a loyalty oath to get lunch. We are now at about that point in our lives these days.
I do hope all of you understand where I am trying to go with this.
Thanks for your time.
posted on
03/22/2003 1:23:57 PM PST
To: Mentos
Thanks for all the pics. Says lots.
posted on
03/22/2003 1:27:22 PM PST
To: elbucko
Now that's sound and practical advice. Let them holler until they get hoarse.
posted on
03/22/2003 1:32:17 PM PST
To: Ff--150
Good to hear your answer. Thanks.
posted on
03/22/2003 1:33:52 PM PST
To: forest
Time and again Ive said this. Thats what the communists do, they manipulate events creating foment and confusion and distrust.
Communism is not dead, a true communist believes right now that communism will inevitably come back into power. That is part of their dialectic materialism, to go foward you must go backward.
posted on
03/22/2003 3:22:34 PM PST
('Quando la neve si fonde, rivela la merda del cane')
To: forest
There should be an investigation of groups like ANSWER which helped organize and encourage the lawbreakers (so called civil disobedience). Peaceful protest is one thing, but breaking the law by blocking roads or buildings, damaging property, or attacking people is NOT (nor should it EVER be) Constitutionally protected expression! They used the internet to conspire to do this, get them on some RICO-conspiracy charges.
posted on
03/22/2003 3:33:22 PM PST
To: Tjfree
Then why were we able to organize a pro-Bush demonstration on the fly, during the election, in Daley Plaza? Do you have any idea how strong a Democratic stronghold Chicago is, and yet no one got arrested. To my knowledge, at least on the first day, there was no permit. I even asked one of the many plainclothed officers, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, if it was ok for us to protest on such short notice or were we in violation of something, if so we would disperse, he said "it was our right, just don`t block or interfere with anything, and we better keep it peaceful", I told him for the most part, we conservatives respect and obey the law. They left us alone to PEACEFULLY engage in our Constitutionally protected right of expression.
posted on
03/22/2003 4:09:03 PM PST
To: nomad
These socialist organizations should be held accountable to pay the costs for policing their disturbances. Are there not laws regarding interruption of business and commerce?
To: AZamericonnie
Its more than that, during the election I signed up for e-mail alerts from ANSWER for the intel. The e-mails they sent me about the Chicago protest acknowledged that they had made preparations for those that wanted to engage in "civil disobedience", isn`t that some kind of conspiracy to break the law?
posted on
03/22/2003 4:42:43 PM PST
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