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The Democrat Plan to regain control of the US Senate in January.
| 12-17-2002
Posted on 12/17/2002 11:56:04 AM PST by vannrox
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To: MattinNJ
Let's Get it straight: The Republicans is the responsibility party.
The fact that Democrat defended a perjurer and have race-baiters like Jesse "hymietown" Jackson in their ranks is a reason to NOT follow their example. They are the irresponsibility party, not us.
Our better example would be to find better leaders when the current ones display a failure to convey our true message and fail to represent us well. Lott is, unfortunately an albatross and will allow leftwing Democrats to perpetuate the lie that the GOP is racist.
Chris caldwell: Republicans pay a huge policy price for
holding on to Lott.
Didnt we already lose Louisiana Senate race because of this? isnt that enough?
posted on
12/17/2002 8:09:53 PM PST
To: No Truce With Kings
okay, I give Lott 1 point in his favor for this. Resigning the senate would be classless and wrong.
posted on
12/17/2002 8:12:28 PM PST
To: Texasforever
The next step in the process will be a call for censure and there is no way republicans can keep it from coming to a vote. Thanks. I'll just go slit my wrists now.
Or should I just go over into the corner and go quietly mad?
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
Or should I just go over into the corner and go quietly mad? I don't know what to do now. The call for censure is already being made and I don't see how republicans can get rid of Lott as ML based on "racist views" and then block a censure vote just to hold the senate.
To: thinktwice
You left out the part where General Benedict Arnold was addicted to the power and was an elitest and wanted to be royalty. The Brits promised him much power and he and his wife wined and dined many times with them - then they stabbed him in the back !
What Lott does will be determined by how much he is power drunk !
To: PenguinWry
Lott made this bed and now has to lay in it. Are you saying this is Dubya's fault?
posted on
12/17/2002 9:56:54 PM PST
To: brownie
makes the man incredibly stupid. so did his asinine "Power Sharing" Agreement.That is my point. If the (R) Caucus had an ounce of decency or brains or balls, that is the way they would define the argument for his ouster.
posted on
12/18/2002 5:23:58 AM PST
To: america-rules
General Benedict Arnold was addicted to the power and was an elitest and wanted to be royaltyYou have a problem with the facts. I've read thousands of pages about Arnold -- a thick biography included -- so ... please provide sources to support your statement.
To: pankot
You wrote" If the will of the people in the last election is thwarted it will be "lock and load" time."
Amen brother! This is absurd. If our votes are stolen, ignored, repudiated, rejected, recounted and voided then that method of redress is closed and we need another. This is a very risky game the Demmies are playing.
I don't think it will be this incident, but it is more kindling for the bonfire to come. If the Dems manage to wrest control of the Senate it will be (once again) totally illegitimate. We know they stole the South Dakota election with blatent vote fraud.
I fear no matter what happens we'll go that route. The Dems seem more and more willing to lie, cheat and steal to get their way. You can't sit down to play cards with such a person, and you can't have a political process with a party full of them. They are Bolshevecks in everything but name. If we don't want to go the way of Russia circa 1919 we may need to go the route of Chile circa 1975.
I watch in absolute wonder at these goings on. Stay well and seasons greetings.
Comment #90 Removed by Moderator
To: PenguinWry
It was a nonsense issue and Dubya as well as many Republicans took the Democrat bait hook, line and sinker. With 92% of the national black vote going to democrats, Republicans, and blacks, will be better off with Lott NOT being the Senate Majority Leader.
To: ModelBreaker
Thanks for your post...I love a little touch of sanity every now and then on this forum.
posted on
12/19/2002 6:07:48 AM PST
To: mwl1
Excuse me but . . . me thinketh that your head may be way too far your darkside to be spewing any kind of logic(?).
posted on
12/19/2002 6:10:20 AM PST
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