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Michael Rivero’s Subterfuge
| Republican_Strategist
Posted on 01/04/2002 11:27:11 PM PST by Republican_Strategist
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To: jammer
Well not digesting everything the Taliban is what we have here. Maybe you guys want to argue how unfair the founding father were because they didnt listen to British side of the argument? And I cant help but note how the skeptics are hypocritical attacking people for questioning Rivero attacking.
To: Buckeroo
You live at a library or a computer lab?
To: 2sheep
A walk down memory lane ... much needed on this thread for balance.
Thanx, 2sheep
posted on
01/05/2002 3:02:36 AM PST
To: 2sheep
Well Im sure they dont know either for they are victims of brainwashing. Rivero has those techniques down pat.
To: Republican_Strategist
...Give me a break with this remedial nonsense.
I'd suggest that you try giving other folks a break here sport. On this count I happen to agree with Arator as I too have much admired Riveros postings since I started here several years ago. I too also happen to like to see (as in, read) differing opinions in order to arrive at a well grounded opinion on given subjects.
If I wanted pablum, I'd get myself some Gerbers baby food.
posted on
01/05/2002 3:03:08 AM PST
Ron H.
To: Republican_Strategist
No. I live in my home with my family. But, as an auxillary, I have access to your recommended resources as the government.
To: Ron H.
Well might I suggest to you, the Houston too ton, that youre falling into the claptrap. Hillary Clinton demands to be heard at a Freeper Rally. You say You have to be out of your mind lady. She says your censoring and suppressing other viewpoints It is the same thing which would otherwise be absurd that you are now demanding. Id like to once again note that you skeptics are now trying to silence this thread condemning Riveros outright fraudulent activity.
To: Buckeroo
He thinks he is a wit and as usual he is only half right.
To: Ron H.
View a 3D example of Republican Strategist's logic by diverging the eyes ....
Sorry JimRob for using the bandwidth.
posted on
01/05/2002 3:12:04 AM PST
To: knarf
Im surprised Jim Rob is even allowing you Rivero terrorists to keep attacking the war effort despite proof Rivero is doctoring photos, etc. Im ready to go get some breakfast already, but you guys just keep barking like a pack of wild dogs.
To: Republican_Strategist
The ago-old axiom that "opinions are like a.......'s" and just like you sport, I too am entitled to have one also.
posted on
01/05/2002 3:17:08 AM PST
Ron H.
To: Republican_Strategist
Look ............ I don't agree with you. I don't agree about anything FROM YOU because of your ignorant thread creation. Your comments about others worry me about your intellectual characteristics, as well.
To: Ron H.
This is like a family
everyone has a whiner.
Hillary Clinton demands to be heard at a Freeper Rally. You say You have to be out of your mind lady. She says your censoring and suppressing other viewpoints It is the same thing which would otherwise be absurd that you are now demanding.
Do yourself a favor and dont try to opinionate every little thing to the point of relativity. Now can I go get some breakfast already?
To: Buckeroo
Well Einstein, you have it all figured out dont you. I posted a picture from the bin Laden tape. I posted a picture from Riveros web site that he claims was from the bin Laden tape that isnt bin Laden. It is proof he doctored the photo in order to call the bin Laden tape a lie. Now yogi, ignorance appears to be bliss in your case. My posts to others
well your posts to me worry me that my government is out to get me. All is fair now.
To: Republican_Strategist
Yeah, I too do think you need a break.... you can even take the rest of the day off as well.
posted on
01/05/2002 3:28:08 AM PST
Ron H.
To: Republican_Strategist
All I can say is, "thank you." While I waited for your BS all nite to bring your butt down, I figured out a flaw in one of my new programs. I sould have NOT/XOR when I simply XORed the program.
I can claim victory for making a buck! I can't claim that you are much of anything short of method to flush, though.
To: Ron H.
Well now
that quite a 180. Just a minute ago you chimed in to defend Rivero with that snide little comment and now when the logic of Hillary speaking at a Freeper rally is put to you the whole Rivero
Rivero dies down and you offer me a long break
an entire day to be exact. I love how this parallels. See you say we should question the government, be suspicious, and all of that and then when someone does the same in regard to Rivero your logic quickly evaporates into hypocrisy.
To: Republican_Strategist
You may be right about the hypocrisy. To be honest (and, you must admit, I am either crazy or have big cajones to admit this--please, please don't say which one you choose!), I don't know what Rivero wrote. I saw the pictures, which didn't look to support the original assertion, but then, I am ignorant here.
Just as there is--was--a kneejerk response defending him, Rivero DOES get attacked in kneejerk fashion a lot here. A lot of that criticism is valid. Some is not. There is some truth in some of the issues he pushes. And blanket criticism of him sometimes obfuscates issues which should be illuminated and serves the purposes of the shills on the government hit squad: _Jim, Kevin, and the rest who we know of.
Anyway, you convinced me: if Rivero is pulling those stunts, it IS Anti-American and I apologize to you.
posted on
01/05/2002 3:35:40 AM PST
To: Buckeroo
Ferrari chassis, lawnmower engine.
To: jammer
All I have to say is that he isnt merely being skeptical, but he has taken it to a position of advocating against the war. Have you visited his web site?
Rivero's rag
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