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McVeigh's Ghost - Top Pentagon Officials Say Iraq Involved in OKC Bombing
US News & World Report/ Fox & Friends ^
| October 23, 2001
| Paul Bedard
Posted on 10/23/2001 12:17:44 PM PDT by OKCSubmariner
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To: twigs
I see nothing tinfoilish about vigilance. I'm with ya there friend. I'm not saying it wasn't curious. ..just that I did't see anything resembling proof. I admit I took much of the summer off, to reconnect with myself and family. I almost lost a lot during the election and had to invest some home front time if ya know what I mean. Good thing I did it then 'cause it looks like we are in for a bumpy ride for awhile.
Thank you for the links.
To: b4its2late; OKCSubmariner; Nita Nupress; Ann Archy
Judge Napolitano(Spelling)?on FOX said it is perfectly legal to deport anyone we want to, and cited the deportation of the Iranian students as example.
The Judge also said that we can deny any one entrance to America,it is perfectly legal!
Given that these could be implemented right now, today, why dont we do it?
After another disaster happens will be tooo late!
Deport them all, now!
To: OKCSubmariner; Nita Nupress; backhoe; Wallaby; mewzilla
Well, well!
Remember our tracking of Securicor?
Securicor bought Argenbright from AHL back in 2000!
Argenbright was the security company at Logan before 9/11.
Ashcroft has been on TV yakking about its transgressions.
But it was not Argenbright on 9/11,it was Securicor!
Securicor is a British company,that has, or gives a franchise to a Securicor in Dubai!
I have frogotten the name is it MAF Securicor, OKC?
Anyway, this Securicor has an Arabic entity!
Not knowing about Hussaini at the time, I asked the question,could the Dubai thingy get acess to badges, ID's ,plans ,maps, etc for Logan?
Was the whole WTC attack dependent on Securicor being in place at Logan on 9/11?
I still cant find the actual stockholders of Securicor, just the officers and directors, all Brits.
Surely though the Dubait part has Arabs in it!
I dont have any subscription data bases.
OKC, do you know someone that can find the major stockholders?
If Securicor has a large Arabic ownership, wow!
Even without it,why the hell was Hussaini a baggage handler at Logan on 9/11?
To: Zordas
The location of the greatest volume of spores says the source is coming from WITHIN three post-offices; Florida, New Jersey & DC. Sorry, that's way too much for coincidence.Does this mean we get to bring this act back to a home front attack like they did with OKC?
(Most of our local mailmen wear turbins.)
To: OKCSubmariner; Southack
One other thing we should keep in mind.
The original bombing of the WTC was an FBI sting "gone wrong".
Afterward they tried to pin it on their inside man who was smart enough to get them
on tape telling him to NOT substitute fake explosives for the real thing.
So. We have:
WTC bombing: An FBI sting "gone wrong": Arabs involved.
OKC bombing: Shows all appearences of another FBI sting "gone wrong"
(no Fed agents at their desks that day, apparent coverup responsible parties,
attempted incarceration of Carol Howe, and now this: Arabs involved)
Major "anti-terrorism" legislation passed as a result.
It makes it wise to look closely at 9/11:
An Arab terrorist group getting away with something that was "known on the street".
"Anti-terrorism" legislation that may never be repealed.
And today one of the "suspects" are reported dead in their cell of "unknown causes".
Anyone notice a trend?
posted on
10/24/2001 11:16:16 AM PDT
To: GEC; OKCSubmariner
It's not just that the mainstream media spikes stories that they don't agree with politically, which is bad enough, but they broadcast rumors. People I work with seem to think that if it's on TV, it's true, but stories I pass on from FR are suspect. As you alluded to, I think the opposite is true: threads are vetted almost immediately by FR members to the point where I can make a fairly sure decision on the truthfulness of the post. It never ceases to amaze me the things that many people DON'T know!
Lest I come off sort of arrogant, I don't put myself near the class of those freepers like OKCSubmariner who gather so much detailed information on subjects of interest. And I don't cleim to know all that much - as I've said many times, "I'd like to know just ONE THING for sure before I die!"
To: jonathonandjennifer
Comment #408 Removed by Moderator
Comment #409 Removed by Moderator
To: _Jim
What happened to John Doe #2?
posted on
10/24/2001 6:09:04 PM PDT
To: Betty Jo
I didn't find anything of significance on Securicor. I'd love to read this thread to figure out what's going on but it would just take too long. On long investigative threads like this, people tend to forget to cut & paste the text to which they're replying, thereby making it almost impossible to read and catch up unless you have extra time. Unfortunately, extra time is something these #@$& terrorists have taken away from me. (...grrrr....)
To: honway
Airfare alone would be at least 500 a pop on standby, mega restrictions.
To: Betty Jo; OKCSubmariner
Unfortunately, extra time is something these #@$& terrorists have taken away from me. (...grrrr....) Gawsh, that sounded whiney. Considering how a lot of other people are suffering so much up in New York, DC & at the Post Office, I really shouldn't be complaining...
Betty Jo, be sure and flag me if Ashcroft ever grows some balls and accepts the female reporter's evidence on Middle Eastern involvement in this thing.
OKCSubmariner, keep up the great work!
To: Galloway
Great FSB / ISI / Iraqi intel character assualt tactic! Bravo! Go back on your Trans-Asian Axis fora!
To: OwenKellogg
Let's see, 964... country code for.... begins with an I.... ends with a q.......
To: honway
btt for the AM
To: CubicleGuy
With 6000 dead Americans, and a deliberate and cowardly attack against our country, somebody is going to talk. They will talk to save their lives, or they will talk to save their souls, but they will talk. Some probably already have, but we won't know, and we shouldn't at this time, it's war. There is going to be a cleansing by fire, if necessary, during this war. Clinton will have his time on the "stand" and so will that thing he married.
It's a shame that these many Americans had to die for the arrogance and the averice of these demons of liberty, but that is the way of this wonderful Republic. Our liberty, innocence, and freedom blinds us to the words of the snakeoil salesman. We are so good, and pure, we can't see the "con" man. War awakens those poor innocents, and it makes them eagles, and cougars, and the fighting spirit that is these here United States of America. The heart of this innocent America has been betrayed, and broken by a cheap snakeoil salesman and his political backhoe of a wife.
Can 2 people, and a bunch of scum that floats with them defeat the goodness and the courage of the American people? NO!!.........NO!!! These cruds will be found out and put where they belong. Right now we have to clean up the sewage that they left behind. It's not time to fight those idiots, it's time to defend our beloved nation. But, they should be informed that their freedom lasts as long as this war. When it's over, we come after them, with no holds barred!
God bless these here United States of America and Her patriots that fight for Her. God have mercy on Her enemies!
To: SJackson
--it is my opinion that clinton has been, and still is, an operative of a foreign power, said foreign power to be a cartel of many internationalists, and he is a combination of true believer and efficiently blackmailed and bribed as well for many years. What he did, or didn't do, and looked the other way on, was all done on purpose, for the eventual goal of eliminating the united states as a global military superpower. In short, he's a Quisling, as are other high level public and private people.
I am also of the opinion that "some"-not all by any means, but "some"- of the actions still currently going on are also for that goal, and that at some time the US will absorb a nuclear first strike, among other actions against it, due to the actions of these people in great part.
posted on
10/24/2001 7:32:08 PM PDT
To: Southack
Well, sorry I responded. Just doesn't seem to add up. Even if clinton says so, he didn't win in '96 because of this incident or his blathering about the VRWC. He won because Bob Dole is a turkey.
posted on
10/24/2001 8:31:27 PM PDT
To: jbstrick
It was in the Gulf War that McVeigh started hating the federal government, was it not?
posted on
10/24/2001 8:41:42 PM PDT
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