I love it!!!
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To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
A big Halloween Hillary Boo Bump!
193 posted on
10/20/2001 9:23:11 PM PDT by
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
Yahoo\photos and AP are getting the photos online thru out the night! Only wished they would link the expression of Mz Hill ary's facial jestures as she was booooooo....
Mick Jagger
James Taylor (surprised he is still on the circut)
classic! Roger Daltry and Pete Townsend of The Who!
Meg Ryan and the Family of Captain Timothy Stackpole, FDNY
just some more pics to see who was performing!
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
Already memorialized in song ---
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
A BUMP for later viewing and crossing fingers for the video!
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
Hate to spoil your night but here is the latest of Mz Hillary addressing VH1|Vogue Fashion Awards 10/19/01
Hillary Clinton(sorry for her image....lol...)
Sir Paul McCartney
an illustration from Tom Palmer in the book of "Heroes"
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
On the left coast, Jagger is on right now, did I miss Hill getting booed??? Someone please tell me fast!!!...JFK
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
Gawd, that was FANTASTIC!
Just before the show, I'd just gotten home from showing Ground Zero (from a block away) to some people, and it was pretty eerie at night.
First I was pumped up by the Who, and then we were laughing ourselves silly over the cow being booed!
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
What channel are you watching? I saw the same thing, and I didn't hear any boos. Aside from that, how does this merit a thread? You should get a life, quickly.
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
Frustrated by the enormous popularity of New York Republicans Mayor Guiliani and Governor Pataki, Former President Clintoon and Hillary! muscle in on a memorial service at Yankee Stadium. Can you find the flag in Hillary's hand?
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
It was wonderful!
244 posted on
10/20/2001 11:21:41 PM PDT by
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
You mean Hillary, the hippo thighed, terrorist wife's ass kissing, terrorist releasing, thieving, lying, crook? If that dirty bitch isn't thrown out of office at the next possible opportunity, New York might as well draw a bullseye on Manhattan and tell terrorists around the world to have another go at it. God I hate that filthy, carpet munching freak.
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
PUHLEAAAASE!!! Is there some place on the Web where we can see a video replay of the Hillary booing?
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
Did anyone tape it last night who can provide a clip?
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
You should check out democraticunderground.com. There is some serious "cryng and gnashing of teeth" going on there at the news about Hillarious. What absolute LOSERS. And they don't even realize it, given that they allow absolutely no dissenting voices on their board.
279 posted on
10/21/2001 4:58:47 AM PDT by
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
281 posted on
10/21/2001 5:06:39 AM PDT by
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
If anyone has this (or the whole concert) on tape, I will pay for a copy. Really. Freepmail me.
292 posted on
10/21/2001 5:58:29 AM PDT by
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
I was just about to hit the 'mute' button when I saw her ugly puss in front of the camera... until I heard the crowd. That event, along with the pictures of missing fire, LEO, EMS and kids whose father is still missing... these were the things that made this really cheesy production worth watching.
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
Now if only they will throw tomatoes at her.
295 posted on
10/21/2001 6:30:20 AM PDT by
To: shezza
a ROTFLMAO ping! :o)
To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
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