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Its great to see all those NYPD/NYFD folks down from and clapping hands to David Bowie (opening act).
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To: budman_2001
Watching this show makes you wonder...who's patrolling the streets of NY tonight?
1,532 posted on
10/20/2001 9:40:04 PM PDT by
To: budman_2001
The Who appears, West Coast time. Oh Yes........
To: budman_2001
Who is this Paul McCartney guy? He's pretty good...
To: budman_2001
I'm still trying to figure out why Bill and Hill were there.
To: budman_2001
I will fight for the right to live in freedom.......thank you to all our military...
To: budman_2001
I felt I just watched a Beatle become human, and it was very uncomfortable to see
To: budman_2001
i really don't have anything constructive to add, but hey, it's another post on the thread!
To: budman_2001
Bumping and bookmarking..........goodnight!
To: budman_2001
Anyone know if the concert will be rebroadcast? Anyone selling copies of the tape?
To: budman_2001
No Motley Crue, I am disappointed! They put on rapper crapper JZ. Motley Crue could have played "Shout at the Devil". The "Devil" is bin Laden. (Flame On). (Don't flame me too bad; I just like The Crue's music, I'm an 80's kid, cut me some slack. I'm not the only one! RATT-N-ROLL.) Peace! God Bless America! MotleyGirl70
To: budman_2001
Hildebeest Clinton got MASSIVE BOOS when she introduced Jerry Seinfeld...and Bill is RIGHT NOW GETTING BOOED as well!!!
(Not as much as Hill, though.)
To: budman_2001
Did anyone notice how that stupid Richard Gere got booed when he started preaching about "directing the energy to peace". The scumbag was sure talking to the wrong audience. The audacity of the jerk telling the people who lost loved ones to think about peace. I couldn't wait for him to shut up. I will never pay good money for anything that puke is involved with. What is up with him? Does he just not get it or is he a Muslim extremist sympathizer? Bottom line, I wouldn't send any money through them. There are other ways to help.
To: budman_2001
BCM's brother, Mike Moran, tells Osama he can "kiss my royal Irish a**"!!!
To: budman_2001
Oh man, Mike the Irish fighterfighter was the best. Osama kiss my ass. lol, that was great.
To: budman_2001; Mercuria; AnnaZ; feinswinesuksass; gc4nra; DoughtyOne; Buckeroo
Yeah, the dems are good at putting on shows or building monuments to divert the attention away from the fact that they are responsible for our guard being down!
To: budman_2001
cool, i'm post #1,859!
To: budman_2001
Somebody please tell me this show will be repeated and/or released uncut on home video. Please!
To: budman_2001
1869 hits WOW! Obviously low brow mass culture still is more potent than any intellectual endeavor. Not that there is anything wrong with it.
To: budman_2001
Well, congrats! I do believe that you've started the BIGGEST FU#*ING THREAD in FReeper history!
BTW, I just finished reading the entire thread and now I must go get my back popped into soon as by butt wakes up.
To: budman_2001
If anyone has this (or the whole concert) on tape, I will pay for a copy. Really. Freepmail me.
1,873 posted on
10/21/2001 6:16:08 AM PDT by
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