Holy Crap, Batman! U.S. military now engaged in shooting war with Hamas!!!
Yet ANOTHER Joe Biden war!
Has it occurred to anyone in the DoD, at any level, that maybe, just maybe, no one in the Pentagon has the foggiest idea about what is happening in Gaza? Maybe one of our intelligence officers with a fancy Ivy League education should spend a few months shadowing their counterpart in the IDF or the Shin Bet and try to acquire a fundamental understanding of what’s really going on. After seeing the movie Lawrence of Arabia and reading The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. And maybe the Israel-Arab Reader by Lacqueur.
Gee, who didn’t see this coming?
If it doesn’t have chocolate chips, it cannot be a ‘cookie’.
It would be interesting if the pier has to be defended with F-35s. The college campi would get all messy again.
Blinken & Bidet should take a walk on the pier...
And idiots in this country and others want Israel to stop beating up on HAMAS. NO TWO STATE SOLUTION. HAMAS NEEDS TO BE OBLITERATED. PERIOD.
Now ask yourself...why would they want to destroy the pier that exists only to send food into Gaza?
and the answer is...................................
Wait what?
I thought Israel was “the problem”.
Seems like a very “Holey” article.
When including April have attacks been made on any part of the operation where US troops are present? Time(s) and weapons involved?
Are those C-RAM systems onshore being manned by US troops or by Israeli troops?
Are the injuries mentioned the ones from a recent forklift accident?
Who has (received) the initial aid deliveries?
Now, don’t get me wrong. What with all the multiple transfers involved, this is a quite inefficient way to deliver supplies in what appears to be mainly a political stunt. And there is certainly a ton of risk. Easily challenged or disingenuous statements only detract from that.