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Kansas City parade shooting suspect Lyndell Mays ‘randomly picked’ target, other gunman fired while tripping
NY Post ^
| 02/21/2024
| Ronny Reyes
Posted on 02/21/2024 11:29:22 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
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To: ChicagoConservative27
From police report news story:
Authorities found a gun in blood at the location.
A live round was in the chamber of the gun.
A computer check revealed the gun to be stolen out of Kansas City, Missouri.
At the White House that adds up to confiscation of all guns from law abiding citizens at home during the mayhem. Time to show the courage to face up to taking away guns./S
posted on
02/21/2024 1:27:22 PM PST
frank ballenger
(There's a battle outside and it's raging. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.)
To: dragnet2
Photo of suspect....
Hey, I looked better in my Meals On Wheels volunteers group photo. And my church choir soloist close-up. Why choose this one?
posted on
02/21/2024 1:30:06 PM PST
frank ballenger
(There's a battle outside and it's raging. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.)
To: RightWingNutJob69
‘Fired while tripping”... Was he tripping on the sidewalk or some hallucinogenic object? In other words, was he Joe or Hunter?
posted on
02/21/2024 1:56:57 PM PST
(Democrats' version of MAGA: Making America the Gulag Archipelago. Now with "Formal Deprogramming")
To: ChicagoConservative27
Chicago Mayor canceled spot shotter tool for LEOs.
posted on
02/21/2024 1:57:15 PM PST
( I'm Proud To Be An Okie From Muskogee)
To: gundog
Hang em high. No trial needed, he admitted to this travesty.
To: gitmo
Not to hear my recently retired police detective friend tell it. Completely different vocabulary for today’s druggies.
posted on
02/21/2024 4:05:33 PM PST
(The CDC can KMA!)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Funny, this mass shooting got buried.
posted on
02/21/2024 7:14:35 PM PST
(The trouble with socialism is that you soon run out of other people's zoo animals to eat.)
To: dragnet2
One thing that bothered me even before I became the anti-pseudo justice system crusader today, the various violent felons make a personal decision on the life or death of the victims.
Then the system takes months and usually years of careful consideration of the guilty perps’ rights.
posted on
03/16/2024 10:52:54 AM PDT
frank ballenger
(There's a battle outside and it's raging. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.)
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