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To: knighthawk
This is subterfuge because he can’t come right out and say how he’s going to get rid of 28 million illegals.
42 posted on
01/03/2024 2:38:55 PM PST by
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped)
To: knighthawk
GOOD!!! only way to do it.
and advertise it NOW, so when he wins, they self-deport...
45 posted on
01/03/2024 2:55:09 PM PST by
(there is no fall back position, there's no rally point, there is no LZ... we're on our own. #FJB)
To: knighthawk
Only drug dealers and gang members? Then the country is in truth finished.
47 posted on
01/03/2024 3:02:03 PM PST by
To: knighthawk
And this is why Trump is the clear choice
57 posted on
01/03/2024 3:55:30 PM PST by
(Sigma male 🤪)
To: knighthawk
70 posted on
01/03/2024 11:38:51 PM PST by
(Every Goliath has his David. Child in need of a CGM system. )
To: knighthawk
I’m willing to pay higher taxes to fund *that* effort. It seems likely that the residents of Martha’s Vineyard would too!
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