An isolated attack that keeps happening everywhere
This is Libtardism
Yer ass! Connect the dots on this one.
1) Blacks commit over 50% of all murders and robberies.
2) Blacks prefer to target whites rather than fellow blacks.
3) As things go downhill, the number and severity of these attacks will worsen.
this guy spent 20 years in jail. and dead womans uncle was an attorney that got him sent up river and the DA does not see a link?
gawd...i swear people are stupid
This is his first big test.
If he flubs this one the moneyed interests in Memphis will pull their investments and the place will collapse.
These wealthy families already warned a previous mayor that they would sell their investments and leave if he went too far left. The mayor didn’t run for reelection.
And after Mulroy was elected DA there was talk that some of these families would pack up and move to Middle Tennessee.
Now I’m really wondering if this case is as clear cut as it’s being presented...
Somebody did something.
Unfortunately, incarceration and the funny farm are necessary. Some are just wired in a bad way. And no DA has the moral authority to disregard the threats the sociopaths present.
Oh yea, it could never be because the ghettos these folks come from are breeding cold blooded murderers, brutal sexual deviants, and drug addicted criminals as a way of life. Nahhh, just a one-off by a stranger, ya’ know?
Uh-huh, that’s it. Because it’s never the liberals who run those ghettos fault that crime is through the roof. They just always demand more money for their silly ass ‘programs’ as everything falls apart around them and the people they pretend to care about continue to suffer and die at the hands of these career monsters.
The war on White people and all innocents continues, encouraged by the illegitimate xiden regime, the left and their msm / big tech coconspirators.
it was 4.20am, not 4.20pm. the writer of this must have been hitting the 4/20
“”is merely””
Does he wish the same to MERELY happen to his wife or daughter if she jogs or just goes to the park or the grocery store or the mall?
Saw him on FOX this morning.... whiney POS.
I haven’t read one single word yet whether she was raped or not but looking at the perp I have a pretty good idea.
It’s only, “some people did some things.”
A savage attack by a subhuman on a woman because of her race.
The only problem with that is that Memphis is 85.3% black. Alas however, facts don't matter these days.
Stranger = Convicted Felon with 59 prior arrests.