SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines are not free of neurological side effects
This packs a punch.
Is it a coincidence that just days ago I was reading how “scientist” were perplexed by the low rate of covid in Africa and then this?
Money, money money money money.....Money
So do you need the variant booster in order to take the Omicron booster?
Or just the latest ? What about testing ? Or is that still one test ? What
about the children ? There will be no information. FU and all your shots.
Omicron 99.99999% survivable , New Vaccine 50% survivable after you mix it with all the other vaccines
Funny how quickly this is happening with a “NEW” variant.
oh, goody, now we can all get extra doses of the adjuvant Matrix-M because Novavax “vaccines” are too weak to work without it ...
i wonder if the effect of each additional dose of Matrix-M on our immune systems is additive like adding yet another bullet to the cylinder before each spin in a “game” of Russia Roulette?