Well then I got Hate speech posted all over my car!
I made posters and taped them to my back and side windows. 90% approval from honkers and passerby’s:-)
Well, this “hate speech” crap gets my back up.
I don’t approve of FJB because I HATE public indecency. I don’t do it, I wish other people wouldn’t do it, and 40,000 people doing it together is indecent.
But chanting “I hate Joe Biden” (if you do) is fine with me, saying out loud that you hate whatever it is you hate is also fine with me.
Hating, though, is usually both bad for you and an obstacle to solving whatever problem you face.
In this case, hating a sick, confused old man is a distraction from hating the scum who remain behind the curtain and who are ruining our country while they try to destroy our nation.
To heck with the whining snowflakes. If it bothers them, let’s crank it up a notch.