Let me guess - Little Brian Seltzer’s panties are in a bunch from Mark Dice’s epic trolling.
Every time you log onto Fecebook, you are making Zuckerberg richer to rig more elections.
You are also acquiescing to their censorship.
Unless the public figure’s name is Trump, of course.
public servants can be criticized
rulers cannot
Translation - protect everyone who agrees with the Facebook worldview.
That’s okay.
The age of useless attacks on social media are about over anyway.
It’s really just time to get real and in person.
Facebook headquarters would be a great place to start.
The Left in this country needs to see what a real angry mob does when the very way of their lives is at stake.
They have not seen it, because we have not done it.
Experts say the public deserves to see the list, a clear embodiment of U.S. foreign policy priorities that could disproportionately censor marginalized groups.
Revealed: Facebook’s Secret Blacklist of “Dangerous Individuals and Organizations”
“Human rights defenders”
An “involuntary” activist?
They mean Left wing activists and Left wing journalists.
It’s safe to say that some “activists” and journalists will be protected, but others won’t. It’s ludicrous to think they would ban criticism of Tucker Carlson or any conservative activist. This is yet more censorship.
So Tucker Carlson can’t be attacked anymore?
Not good.
bullying... really? like mean tweets i guess
Only chosen propagandists may propagandize.
Karl Marx, Hitler, and Mao are now being tortured by Satan when being showed by how easy it was to take over.
Zuckerburg is increasing protection for his noodle-arm Nazi trolls in the soiboy media. How unexpected.
If you want a good laugh, look up images of Zucker’s “security.”
Facebook announces it’s hiring 10,000 people in EU to build ‘metaverse’
Tech giant is touting a virtual reality version of the internet that blurs lines between physical and digital worlds as the technology of the future