The worst impact on climate change has been Barack Hussain Obama, he has wasted a Trillion dollars of hard earned money and only damaged the economy further with his foolish schemes.
To improve Climate Change, eliminate his sorry ass.
To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Sartre
Do Be Do Be Do - Sinatra
It’s that kind of thing that makes me think aliens are among us. What human would say, ...could be extinct, but if they do.... ?
Gee ya think? Every American child is already responsible for well over $100K of debt. Probably a lot more.
He calls himself a Christian yet apparently hasn’t read the end of the book.
“The dangers of climate change are already claiming a horrifying number of human lives, according to a study published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change that linked about 37 percent of heat-related deaths in certain cities between 1991 and 2018 to human-caused temperature increases.”
I’m calling bullshit on this. From article, “Why did Earth’s surface temperature stop rising in the past decade?”, published in 2018:
“... the global surface temperature has not risen significantly in the past decade...”
Terrify the children. Make them think that older people don’t care about the children. Turn younger people against older people. Tell the younger people they are smart, older people are dumb. Simple, yet effective. Typical evil tactics by democrats.
If humans are extinct, there won't be any generations left to judge us harshly.
I always knew Obama was evil, but I never really thought he was stupid. But this latest statement from him is just absurd.
Obama, from the party of abortion,Killin millions. Doing absolutely nothing about inner city violence, killing thousands. Couldn’t care less about those killed in other countries by famine, tyranny, or slavery. Every extra dead person is a plus for Mother Earth.
And the democrats aren’t blamed for it.