Posted on 05/24/2020 11:01:19 AM PDT by BeauBo
Fortune fame mirror vain gone insane
Do Not Forget Coulter and Drudge were a thing for quite some time. Both of them have gone off the rails anti-Trump.
Thanks, Ann.
I have a disabled brother, I’m sure he would appreciate your use of the R word.
she need to get married and give up this “political commentator” nonsense..its not working anymore...her clock is ticking and shes fighting it...and its not pretty.
Trump is in the fight of his life, trying to claw back our nations manufacturing from the CCP.
Now is not the time to be slamming ones friends, as Ann points out while failing to apply this sound advice to herself. She shouldnt be calling him retard, lout, or any of the other things she is calling him. No, she should keep her criticism constructive. That she is not doing so makes her look like a disingenuous person who lobs bombs at the one guy we have, who had the balls to criticize the CCP. It is an extraordinary thing that all of our elites except for Donald Trump and his friends rolled over for Xi, but here we are.
Ann needs to show some respect to the man.
I think some of Bill Maher’s politics rubbed off on ‘Lil Annie. Oops! Poor choice of words!
There is no such thing as bad publicity.
Actually, if it wasnt for Ann Coulter, Trump would not be president.
LOL. Delusional.
The media is loaded with fake conservatives. Most out themselves, eventually.
Old lesbians always seem to get ticked off.
They changed their minds. And there are no cricket sounds. Read the responses.
While resources and plans were being gathered for building the wall, she raged on Twitter that he hadn’t completed the entire 2,000+ miles by then. She’s a nutcase. I unfollowed her a while ago.
This is an audition for campaign season appearances on Colbert, etc. Apparently, her tantrums have cut her out of conservative media.
“She is on serious drugs...)
That’s what I’m thinking. I’d like to see what’s in her medicine cabinet.
Watch Trump!
While the media’s distracted by this he’s going do to something that the media wont be able to cover.
Have fun!
Attention whore needs attention.
I haven’t paid any attention to that woman in well over a decade. She’s just a vapid, wishy-washy attention whoring bimbo.
exactly...from day one they’ve been trying to take him out unlike anything ever seen in this countries history...its a miracle he got anything done. Corrupt FBI-CIA...hostile republican congress...deranged democrat impeachment...corrupt “special counsel”...and this guys still standing.
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