Yahoos go to yahoo to get their news and participate in stupid polls. I’m not saying you are a yahoo, just commenting on the sort of people who participate in those polls.
Then nearly half the American people are misinformed, low IQ fools who shouldn’t try to answer questions without their first grade teacher nearby coaching them.
Andrew Romano
YAHOO West Coast Correspondent
Hi. I report on California and the American West from Los Angeles, where I live with my wife and kids (and play in a band called Massage). Prior to joining Yahoo I covered three presidential campaigns and authored numerous cover stories for Newsweek. I also wrote about television, music and film for The Daily Beast.
The Democrat dominated “news” media would have declared everything the President has done a success — had it been done by any Democrat.
Oh man, if that incompetent administration was in charge, we would be DONE as a nation. Inundated with infected Chinese Italians Iranians early on, scrambling to figure out govt run testing, hordes of diseased migrants coming over the southern border
It would simply be horrible.
Yeah, right!
So, like 28% is more than a quarter so must not be much of a stretch to say “nearly half”? I don’t know the numbers they stated but if he were to do as awesome job as he did with h1n1. Or whatever lingered around for 6 months or so.....
Media bias laid bare.
And HRC has 92% chance of victory.
AOL.Nuf said, they still have endless banks of dial-up modems in an obscure warehouse fed by copper ?
Obama would be golfing.
When Obama was President our worst enemies laid off us recognizing that ZipHead was doing much more damage than they could ever do. Think Benghazi.
Yahoo! news is garbage.
As ridiculous as the claim that the ChiCom virus came from the wet market.
Sure they do. LOLLLLL.
Obama never led a thing in his life, because he is not a leader. He even thought it was cool that he “led” from behind.
And how many people would answer this if they were aware that Obama is who depleted our supply of PPE and did not replenish it, leaving us as sitting ducks? Trump had to deal with yet another mess left for us by Obama - and it was remarkable how well he ended up doing starting with nothing.
There wouldn’t be a “coronavirus pandemic” if Obama or any other Democrat were president. Period.
Polls ain’t News!!!