Lighting MAGA hats on fire, riot police on horseback. Rally is just letting out.
More links to follow.
The media and DNC are to blame.They have driven these people insane.
yeah, i just watched what fox had on after the rally, and basically just saw a large number of “protesters” milling around, taking selfies, chatting with the cops, and generally not a clue as to what to do besides milling around ... no rioting, no real violence other than a couple of things thrown at cops, no arrests, no real organized chanting, a few pathetic homemade signs, saw a police bicycle squad easily set up a cordon to let cars through the crowd ... quite frankly, this looked like a “Minnesota Nice” protest to me ... i can tell you one thing Minneapolis ain’t Berkeley ...
Local 10 o’clock news broadcasts trying to blame Trump supporters.
“People wearing red involved in fights”
Total losers acting like two year olds in adult bodies...
Pretty obvious the police lost control of the
streets and are now just trying to let the antifa
rioters blow off steam.
Really have to give it up for the individual officers
must be hard to keep your cool.
Very ugly behavour on the part of the socialists.
Hahahah, even heard one of the Antifa pod casters say
that MAGA people were deliberatly walking though the
crowd to try and create disturbences.
I’m assuming the media will properly put the blame where it belongs....... on the mayor.
The reprobates are in a frenzy.
Keep in mind. Nixon became a shoe-in when America got a good look at the rioting during the 1968 Chicago Democrat convention.
The guy speaking on the video is a moron. Kudos to the cops for awesome crowd control.
Loser Unicorn Riot “reporter” said that Trump supporters were moving in to agitate the anti-Trump crowd. I loved how immediately after he said that, there were about two dozen Trump supporters peacefully walking by and minding their own business.
I understand the logic of not allowing firearms into the venue, but why not have a weapons deposit booth in the entrance area? That way the event-goers can retrieve them and have some protection on the way out of there.
It is pretty obvious that liberal local authorities are not going to lift a finger to protect the pro-Trump segment of their constituencies.
To read later.
So someone with the moniker “unicorn RIOT”, is outraged that police have horses and put out a street fire...?
Exactly the kind of organized street thuggery intimidation threats violence the original Nazis used to get into power in the 1930s. Soroznazi learned well from his German Nazi mentors