Taxing income is bad, immoral. Having a bloated, corrupt government is bad, immoral. Collecting obscene amounts of personal information is wrong, immoral. A retail sales tax to fund a small, limited government is good, moral.
“The Revenue Act of 1916 began the practice of adjusting tax rates and income scales. The original income tax was 1% for the bottom bracket, which was comprised of income up to $20,000, and 7% for the top bracket which was comprised of income over $500,000.”
We should just reset to the 1916 tax rate.
I’ve got no problem w/ the 16A per se....It’s the illegality of the ENFORCEMENT that’s the problem: violations of 4th/5th to support a violation via the 13th (aka ‘welfare’, in all its forms, shapes+).
Still, that doesn’t handle the underground economies, the retired\’poor’
Follow the Const. (A1S8) FIRST, then we’ll see what she needs to keep going.
The slave has become the master—always the case with a government that refuses to spend within its means.
You hit the tax-man right on the nose.
Given that the people who would vote on this (congress-critters) are the ones who profit from deigning who will win and who will lose, thanks to the tax laws, those “winners” will give their ill-gotten rewards to the congress-critters who have elevated them above their competition.
Congress-critters are able to pad their larders, thanks to the “loopholes” that their lobbyists provide.
And it’s not just businesses. Look at the people in high state property tax states who have been getting their high tax rates reduced on the backs of federal taxpayers in other states. Listen to how they cried, about President Trump’s new tax rules that limit the tax deduction that they can take. How they claimed that President Trump RAISED their taxes. As if they had no control over the state and local taxes that are levied.