Which is precisely why we have a Republic, an Electoral College, AND it is illegal for non-citizens to dilute the votes of citizens by participating in US elections.
What she and the rest of the left are really saying is “Every vote FOR ME matters”.
Her explanation of why she wants to demolish the electoral college is proof of just how much of a retarded moron she really is. Her complaints about the electoral college are exactly what will happen if the electoral college is abolished. Damn she’s dumb.
There’s already a movement in several states to change the internal vote allocations.
Pennsy for one, I think Ohio too.
Open borders. Legalized dope to buy the dopes. Redistricting. Abolition of the Electoral College.
It's like Satan knows the end is near and is going wild.
And the RAT party? Their constituents are partying on the deck of the Titanic.
I’d like to abolish Warren’s senate tenure, and that of a bunch more of her ilk.
If you can’t win with the rules the way they are, change them so that you will win.
I’m surprised a block of congress critters from the congressional negro caucus and similar groups haven’t gone after Trump for bribing Electoral College admissions officials to get his kids admitted.
BTW, just the appearance of that woman makes my skin crawl.
Democrats always want to default to mob rule.
Changing our government from a republic to a democracy must not happen. The democracy will inevitably turn into a dictatorship. The ballot box, already corrupt, will disappear. Free speech, already threatened, will be silenced.
We cannot even depend on the judiciary, compromised and militant. Keep your powder dry.
Elizabeth Warren wants to take away millions of votes
What’s the point of bringing in all those illegals if they stay in California ?
How about your office is just eliminated instead, Pocahontas?
Sounds like it’s time for a tax revolt. If they do this every rural county in the country no longer has an obligation to pay any federal taxes because they will no longer be equally represented.
Cause and effect... Taking away our power of the vote is going to cost them dearly. This needs to be explained to them, they can’t have both. You can’t exclude the masses from the process and still tax them without that representation.
Federal Tax exempt counties. Let those few high population counties and districts pay all the taxes then.
When the Democrats are losing, they change the rules. Electoral College, Supreme Court packing, ballot harvesting, illegal immigrant voting, redistricting, free college, guaranteed income, all Democrat schemes to give themselves a pathway to permanent power.
You don’t need to know the specifics, you only need to know that if the Democrats are for it, you can be sure that it’s not good for the Country, not good for our Republic form of government, and bad for your family.
All Democrats do.
I want to abolish the scolding, cackling old maid schoolteacher and fake Indian Elizabeth Warren.