Trump is using it as a negotiating ploy to try and create movement on funding, but . . .
If he should do it:
1. Will be tied up in courts forever
2. It lets the racist, regressive fascists off the hook
3. Any further shutdown, while the issue is in the courts, is totally on Trump.
4. It is a way for Trump to give in, end the shutdown, say he is for the wall, but the courts wont let him. Just like every attempt to tighten immigration.
5. Biggest problem, if it is a national emergency, why now? The flood had been going on for over a decade. No real difference.
Your ideas and vote. Should he? Should he not? I vote no. (like that counts)
IMO our total influx of people from outside needs to be reviewed
and methods instituted to adjust the inflow. Look at visa overstays.