As long as our Federal Reserve can continue to print money, suppress interest rates to zero, and can keep issuing massive debt - then YES, people will always vote for a free lunch.
Everybody knows how to get Republican presidents now and in the future, most of all Republicans.
1) Build the wall, deport illegals
2) Voter ID, paper ballots and purple thumbs
That’s all there is to it, really. But then, Republicans would rather be the Generals than the Globetrotters.
Not only the last Republican President, but the last President. Dictators to follow.
Blue, blue, blue, red, red, blue, blue, red, red, blue, red, red, red, blue, blue, red, red, blue, blue, red.
That of course is a list of Republican and Democrat presidents by color (red or blue), starting with FDR.
From that list, I'm not seeing a pattern that would suggest that we are having our last Republican president.
That said, with voter fraud, changing demographics, a surviving Deep State, and a corrupt Big Media and Big Tech, all working against the interests of a sovereign, free America, I'm not that optimistic.
Illegal immigration will need to stop, voting fraud will need to stop and Big Media's and Big Tech's strangle hold over public discourse will have to change.
The Deep State still needs to be punished.
Second generation hispanics and blacks will need to start voting pro American and pro freedom in greater percentages.
Republican presidential candidates (like Trump 2020) will need to start holding rallies at big arenas in big cities, in red and purple states. They will need to articulate a pro American and pro freedom message.
What are the chances of all that happening?
Yes. The liberals have all the power now to declare any election their victory by simply violating all election laws as they desire.
Let’s focus on getting president Trump reelected, first.
We have a lot of time until the election after Trump’s second term.
Nobody expected Trump to really run for president, but he did and won.
We can hope that anothert great Republican will rise and win after Trump.
How many years was it between Reagan and Trump?
Did anyone predict Reagan or Trump?
That being said, Democrats are tightening their grip. Demographics are destiny and while Democrats know it to be true Republicans like to believe it doesn't matter and the idea of 'America' is enough to transform anyone who comes here.
It's difficult to make predictions, especially about the future but if Republicans don't start to face the facts changes will continue and accelerate.
Im glad that Pres. Trump is a true leader. Were probably never going to hear hear him ask such a question.
Florida just approved voting for 1.4 Million former felons.
R’s can say Bye Bye Florida.
Either Republicans learn to cheat more efficiently and clandestinely - and more aggressively - than Democrats, or it’s over for the U.S. Although depressing to say, cheating is the new normal - and both political parties know it. The bureaucrats tolerate it. The press tacitly promotes. Congress tut-tuts it, but does nothing to stop it.
Honest conservatives meanwhile have continued to put faith in the electoral process, which is hopelessly corrupted. If we want to regain influence, we must learn to double-down and become expert at stealing elections from Dems.
We have to cheat to win, in order to prevent cheating from remaining the norm. I know it sounds odd, but it is like holistic medicine: You must first embrace the ailment, if you hope to treat it.
It’s over. I know I’m done.
Trump was our last best hope but he can’t hold off the inevitable retaking of our country by the State. And a majority of our fellow citizens are all for it.
I’m tuning out and giving up on hope frankly. Just gonna live out my life without this bullshit
Probably not. The Kenyan boy wasn’t the last “democrat”.
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Cor. 15:51&52 - KJV
He might be. If Republicans are comfortable having no say in their future and being ruled by communists, whose primary objective is to rob noncommunists blind. I don’t see that happening.
Demographics - Yet most white ‘conservatives’ will continue to ignore It.
More defeatist crap. Every year we can read these stupid articles on “the last republican president.” It’s clickbait.
And remember, Hillary has a 93% chance to become president. Make your bets, losers.
In about 100 years, we may swing back right like Brazil has but it will be temporary.
Buy stock in gate and barbed wire companies.
Our Founders predicted this would happen. When more people receive welfare than pay taxes, the country is dead. I’m all for another revolution. It is time to take away all the freebies given out in the past 100 years. Our Constitution is still valid, it is the crap congresses have done that has destroyed us.
These words were spoken to Davy Crockett by Horatio Bunce:
“So you see, Colonel, you have violated the Constitution in what I consider a vital point. It is a precedent fraught with danger for the country, for when Congress once begins to stretch its power beyond the limits of the Constitution, there is no limit to it and no security for the people. I have no doubt you acted honestly, but that does not make it any better, except as far as you are personally concerned and you see that I cannot vote for you.”
Very interesting story...can be found here:
I worry about the same thing. Trump and Reagan were two in a million. I believe the hot civil war is only being postponed for 6 years.
Trump won here in Michigan back in 2016 and based on all the John James rallys that took place across the state that drew record crowds, I fully expected a Republican win.
That didn't happen and both Whitmere and James lost.
Why? Because there were 500,000 Republican voters who never showed up to vote.......