I applaud the dems march to the left. It will pay dividends in November. For us.
The left is just making the most of the one victory she is going to have this election season. The article is about the statewide mood of Democrats which is duly noted. They are in “resistance” mode still. Nothing new to me.
It’s a smart move, the other Stacey was white, and as 2016 showed, being a “woman” isn’t enough.
This will be a shame test. As in hey Georgia, PROVE you aren’t racist.
If it works, yes... it may have an effect on how dems run in the south.
Here in the one party blue state of Maryland, we’ve solved for the issue of how republicans run... they run mostly as democrats, as in literally members of the dem party...or as very moderate republicans and only for Governor.
Nope, she isn’t gonna win.
She cannot handle her own money. She is in debt. Bribes will take care of that problem. The big problem will be for the taxpayer who will be paying more as she now has a unlimited amount of taxpayer money to spend.
just more leftard wishful thinking, evasion of reality, subjectivism,and fantasy by the nyslimes
The New York Times is doing what they do best, creating Liberal fantasies and pass it off to the American public as newsworthy political insights. The striking reality of all of this is that the New York Times really believe this nonsense.
I love how the media keeps hyping black leftists seeking office. Remember how they pumped up that guy who ran against Jesse Helms?
Wishful thinking from the paper of record. This woman doesn’t stand a chance of winning.
She has about as much chance as my Chihuahua to win the Governor’s race. GA is a pink state totally run by RINOs.
The likely next GA governor is Casey Cagle a clone of our current RINO governor Nathan “raw” Deal.
Yeah, no. Jimmy Carter ran an infamous race-baiting campaign in 1970 accusing his Dem primary opponent, ex-Gov. Carl Sanders, of the "audacious act" of shaking hands with Black basketball players. This attempt to paint Carter as some sort of race moderate when he ran as an unabashed racist is leftist revisionist history at its worst.