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To: RoosterRedux
Get out of my country, NAACP.
30 posted on
11/09/2017 5:37:47 AM PST by
(Multiculturalism is national suicide, and political correctness is the cyanide capsule.)
To: RoosterRedux
Replace it with "God Bless America"
That will offend the atheists.
To: RoosterRedux
“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.” — Booker T. Washington
33 posted on
11/09/2017 5:47:43 AM PST by
( TERM LIMITS, NOW! Build the Wall Faster! TRUTH is the new HATE SPEECH.)
To: RoosterRedux
Then, the flip side of that coin is that America would like to simply remove the NAACP. Bunch of ignorant, illiterate grifters. Too stupid to know they had a honky as prez. How dumb is that?
34 posted on
11/09/2017 5:57:08 AM PST by
(The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.)
To: RoosterRedux
It would be easier and much more appreciated if we could eliminate the NAACP .
35 posted on
11/09/2017 6:01:13 AM PST by
()-: There is nothing DEMOCRATIC about the democrat party ,, stop using that term :-()
To: RoosterRedux; Whenifhow; null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; White Bear; ...
36 posted on
11/09/2017 6:05:04 AM PST by
(press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally)
To: RoosterRedux
38 posted on
11/09/2017 6:25:58 AM PST by
To: RoosterRedux
How about the NAACP GFT’s...
The NAACP should not exist.
To: RoosterRedux
When a prominent member of the NAACP makes announcements for a supposed “infringement” or “attack” upon their heritage, the first thing I look for in the member of the NAACP is malfeasance or embezzlement of the NAACP funds. It is the MO of the members of the NAACP when they are committing a criminal offense to attack some heritage of the US or the Confederacy to defray attention from their own deplorable actions. I highly recommend looking into the personal finances of this Alice Huffman because she is exhibiting the classic attitude and symptoms of her criminal predecessors.
To: RoosterRedux
I'm fine with this as long as they replace the SSB with The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
42 posted on
11/09/2017 8:19:02 AM PST by
(I always wear my lucky red shirt on away missions!)
To: RoosterRedux
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