Then I read the "About Us>Mission/Diversity Statement" and saw this text above. My first thought, beyond the stench of liberalism and an astroturfed leftist agenda under the aegis of "science", was focused on the statement "Diverse science teams outperform homogeneous teams and produce broader, more creative, and stronger work."
Really? I had to wonder, on what do they base that categorical statement? Has anyone ever seen a study that supports this claim at all, never mind one that was jury-rigged to produce the result they desired.
Granted, it is the exact same type of verbiage used to tout the claims of Anthropoegenic (man caused) Global Warming and just about any other ostensible "science based" thing they try to push, so there is no surprise there.
I constantly hear this type of claim about diversity (applied by leftists to everything from elementary school sports to PHD studies in mathematics) and how it imbues everything with a magical synergy to make the sum greater than the parts. How can someone's race contribute positively to scientific endeavor? I see including elements solely for race, gender, or sexual preference as far more likely to water down and diminish any scientific discussion than to add to it.
Just wanted to open it for discussion.
This is just more lib/commie claptrap. That is my unbiased scientific analysis, something you won't get at the rallies.
Scientists To Rally On Earth Day To Protest Trump Cuts, Views
Unionized Scientists March in Protest of Attacks on Science and Jobs
This is a march for Lysenko-ism, nothing less.
Nothing more than a Man Made GloBULLchit March.
Except they have no interest in real Science. They have aninterest in wrapping their emotion based poltical dogma in a fake claim of science to silence any honest discussion of the utter lack of actual scientific validation for their infantile absurd pseudo science opinions.
When they have to “check” Bill Nye the Science guy due to complaints because he is a white man and take him down a literal notch by adding two female non-white co-chairs, yes, it is utterly political.
Colleges are currently discriminating against conservative students, researchers and faculty. The only diversity that is important is ideological, and that is the one type they cannot tolerate.
The big review paper on the lack of political diversity in social psychology
Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit theyd discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement