If I were Hillary, I would start drinking early too at the thought that within over just a week President-elect Trump will be the dominant thought of the MSM. Afraid so!
1 posted on
10/31/2016 6:58:18 AM PDT by
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To: GilGil
I wouldn't put it past her for a minute...but without video evidence a story like this will go nowhere.But the 9/11 incident,where we see her propped up against something,stiff as a board,and then thrown into a van....was that Parkinson's or was it Chivas Regal?
To: GilGil
She drinks vodka, heh? I see a Russian connection there.
To: GilGil
Specific anxiety disorders, such as panic disorders and social phobia, may pose particular risks for alcohol and substance abuse. Social phobia causes an intense fear of being publicly scrutinized and humiliated. Panic disorders cause intense anxiety and panic attacks. People with these disorders may use alcohol as a way to become less inhibited in public situations or to calm feelings of panic. People who have anxiety disorders are more likely to resume drinking after treatment for alcohol dependence.
51 posted on
10/31/2016 7:32:20 AM PDT by
(Life is prickly - carry tweezers.)
To: GilGil
I believe this is the real secret malady of hillary clintoon. She is a long time alcoholic. Probably the reason she first fell and hurt her head.
They drag her around because she is looped a lot.
The Parkinson’s stuff is the fake story used to hide her alcohol addiction.
53 posted on
10/31/2016 7:34:45 AM PDT by
To: GilGil
How do they know it was vodka?
She was openly drinking in front of them?
54 posted on
10/31/2016 7:34:47 AM PDT by
To: GilGil
Sounds very Milhousian of her!
56 posted on
10/31/2016 7:37:16 AM PDT by
(A Vote for Hillary is a Vote for ISIS!)
To: GilGil
Livin’ on a prayer...and a bottle of vodka.
59 posted on
10/31/2016 7:44:03 AM PDT by
(Vote Trump. Defeat the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Reset America.)
To: GilGil
Well...they do say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
64 posted on
10/31/2016 7:50:07 AM PDT by
To: GilGil
69 posted on
10/31/2016 8:02:55 AM PDT by
("In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell)
To: GilGil
I'd hate to be the aide who pulls the short straw and has to pull the drinks from her hands before it gets too bad.
Hell, they probably all hate her so much by now that they'll let her drink and self-destruct on stage.
You have to wonder, though, how that much alchohol conflicts with the meds they're shooting her up with.
72 posted on
10/31/2016 8:13:45 AM PDT by
Tanniker Smith
(Rome didn't fall in a day, either.)
To: GilGil
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