We don't have any credibility left ... so why not go for broke and publish crap like this?
Never mind the polls. Maybe they’re accurate, maybe they’re way off. I don’t care. Get out there and vote for Donald Trump, and convince as many people as you can to vote for Trump.
Trump only +3 on trade shows this poll is as phony as a $3 bill
They have to have Hillary way ahead so they can bitch, complain and sue when Trump Wins
Just planting stories for when the election is stolen. “See? Our polls were right!) I can not for the life of me believe that many people actually want Hillary to be president, or are so scared of Trump they would see her as a preferred alternative.
Real outlier poll
This poll is literally laugh-out-loud.
If NBC has Clinton +11 for last poll then two things are at play. They are getting ready for massive cheating. Or preparing to use it to invalidate a Trump win. Obama won in a landslide in 2008 and beat McCain by 7 points. Hillary can’t draw a fly to her once a week rallies, goes into hiding for weeks at a time. This is such a rigged election.
If anything, the WikiLeaks have shown that the government is corrupt top to bottom and cannot be trusted on anything!
Not good.
Regardless of which polls you believe in, everyone shied be asking, and demeaning to know... where is the heavy ad counterattack? Where are the ads???
Their poll numbers are as accurate as their “news” stories.