Posted on 10/08/2016 1:46:00 PM PDT by Be Careful
You already have one and he is very powerful. An (R) by his name doesn't make him a Republican.
You can't beat Ryan by not voting, you will have to vote for the Dem to do that. But considering Ryan carried 80% of the vote you guys are hopelessly married to the socialist Ryan. You likely deserve him but the rest of the country don't.
Wise up you been voting for democrats for years you just don't seem to know it, because they have an (R) by their name.
Apparently you don't want less either.
You assume facts not in evidence.
And Nancy Pelosi thanks you for your support.
You know what Trump as POTUS will have as much trouble from LYIN RYAN as he would with ANY DEM that is a FACT!!! RYAN cares ONLY about his donors, open borders, free unfair trade, PC BS, I say what the HELL diference does it make if a dem takes his seat we can correct in 2 years Ryan is A BASTARD SELF RIGHTIOUS TRAITOR !!!!!!
You ignore facts. 70% of the voters disapproved of ObamaCare we gave the House and Senate to the GOP and they defunded ObamaCare right? No they didn't nor have they stopped a single illegal action of this President. For that matter have they even complained about anything the president has done?
Whatever....Ryan is a helluva lot better than his democrat opponent
No he isn't.
No, that is your speculation, and shouting it at me doesn't improve its probability of being true.
Can you tell me the difference between a DEM and Ryan what the HELL budget did Ryan just give to Obammie???? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! Ryan WILL be as much trouble to Trump as ANY DEM!!! These BASTARDS won’t rally around our nominee and I will bet you a years salary they have had these same words coming from their high and mighty mouths!!!
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