1. Eliminate the federal Dept. of Education and fire everyone employed there. Return oversight of the schools to the states. 2. Recommend (not gonna mandate) that every elementary school in the country drop the common core math curriculum and replace it with Saxon Math or something similar. 3. Offer remedial math classes to all kids whose brains have been raped by common core math. Actually teach them to do math, starting from arithmetic facts drills if necessary. 4. Restructure secondary math education to admit that not every kid can do advanced math. Every kid should have to take basic algebra, basic trig and basic geometry, but save anything more advanced for the kids that will need it. Every kid should graduate high school having been exposed to the basic skills above along with household budgeting, understanding basic bank and loan interest, and how to estimate percentages (I have known adults who were incapable of estimating the 10% adder at the local cost plus market). Stop trying to make math fit into the liberal everything-is-gray world - it drives libtards absolutely nuts to think that there is something in the world which has right and wrong answers and proven best ways to get them. We must do what we can to salvage the kids who have been rendered mathematically illiterate by our schools, but in reality most of the older ones are probably ruined for life. Need to make sure that the younger generation is properly instructed.