The only hope is to make Trump President and rebuild. The names of the RINOs and the elite core of filth must be removed from office as their reelection comes up.
look if you went to choate exeter trinity pauling hotchkiss or such..... you are old school bush romeny nwo/globalist money repub... great (great) grandpa stole it and you are spending it ...... bravo ...
the repubs are talking “big tent” but only to get elected....once in, sos (same old sheet)
crony cap at its best .... compromise, capitualte, what’s the point....
trump wil do exactly what he says.... secure the borders, force corps to brinb jobs back, honor vets and build up the miltary to proper proportions....... if he did those things ... good nough....
T Party - great group of people... but not enough in congress to make a difference.. YET...
look at it ... with trump you dont have hilary clintoon and that alone is great...
with trump you dont have the NWO / Globalist .. Corporate slavemasters wielding power .... you know they focus on bottom line and F the employee....
trump is a NY street fighter..... and so what about his liberal tendencies...
didn’t see repubs do ANYTHING with the reigns of power....
put the WILD CARD at the helm... i guarantee you Russia China and Iran will think twice to call his bluff.... unlike red line (perhaps lipstick - bendoverbathhousetowel and lubeboy obama).......