Ethanol bad, Butanol good
Well, how ‘bout DAT!!!
Trump spoke very briefly about the ethanol mandate at the beginning of his speech, reading from notes in a straightforward fashion, before continuing onto other subjects in the more lively manner he usually shows in stump speeches.
In other words, "I'm just going to pander for a moment with these notes my political advisors handed me, before I start my speech about how terrible politicians are."
Trump is not only a salesman but a sell-out. This is Hillary-style pandering. It’s a shame that it will probably go over big with the Big Government subsidy lovers in Iowa.
New York Crony Values.
If ethanol were good for your engine, everyone would use it without the force of law.
Yeah that would be great, ruin our engines faster, cost us more at the pump, and in taxes through new spending.
Trump really is coming out of his conservative “shell”.
A position I disagree with.
There’s always something.
Because we aren’t destroying small engines fast enough.
He is not conservative. Rush says so almost every day. hardcore trumpees are blind.
You should look in depth at what he has said and changed his positions on just since he started running.
He is trying to win the Iowa vote and will say anything to do so.
Art of the deal. Pandering to Iowa with our money. Never mind any conservative principles. He’s a leader I tell ya!
Don’t question him. He knows smart people some of the smartest ever. He know how to make great deals, really great deals. Did I say he is going to make America great again?
Repubs have the candidate they deserve, dopey changey 2016 baby!!
Because he’s really a liberal socialist?
I haven’t heard anything that gives me confidence in Trump for a long, long time.
Assuming that the quote is correct, there is no way this can be spun to make it look good. Say it ain’t so, mean Donald.
I’m gonna build a wall. A big beautiful wall. With a big beautiful gate. And they have to go home. They do, they have to go home, and then they can come back legally. They have to be legal. Our leaders are stupid. They are terrible. They are totally incompetent. We get killed by China. China laughs at us. Our leaders are so bad at doing deals. I know the best people in the country for doing deals. I know the good ones and I know the bad ones. Our leaders are terrible. China kills us, everyone kills us because we are incompetent. I’m going to make America great again. We really are. We’re going to start winning on trade. And, we’re going to mandate more ethanol in our National Gasoline Mixtures. Our leaders are getting killed on Gasoline. We need smart people who will put more ethanol in our gasoline.
Trump the crony politician is in bed with Big Ethanol.