Americans fight.
We don’t cry or beg or run.
And we don’t use baseball bats, golf clubs or fireplace pokers.
We use guns.
Got it, Barry? Good. Now STFU and stop making helpless victims out of students.
We aren’t going to support your agenda no matter how many of them you get killed.
This has been my view since I was about 8 when my oldest sister’s ex-boyfriend and his druggie friends decided to mess with me when I was riding my bike back from the Circle K. They pulled in front of me in the drive way of a business owned by a neighbor who came out a few minutes later and ran them off. They were just saying nasty things to me that just pissed me off.
That is when I started adding a few extra things to my cross body purse. A few extra pocket knives, rock salt (aim for the eyes), golf balls which I was really good at throwing, a few throwing stars and a few other things.
Later I added a lighter and a small can of hairspray.
I don’t carry most of these anymore but I still have a few items that could be used in an emergency. My cane is more than just a cane. ;-)
I also pay attention to my surroundings and make plans for different possible situations.
Most people don’t have situational awareness.