Strange how these pro-Rubio pieces are popping up this week. The GOPe is desperate.
Rubio also claims to oppose PP and the Iran deal, yet he didn’t show up to vote against the current support for them.....Kind of like an arsonist showing up at the site of the burnt out hulk and saying - “Look, it burned”.
So I said the same things,why doesn’t he say that Benghazi is tied to Syria and Egypt as well,Putin was involved in Benghazi as well,he won’t blow the whistle on Hillary and Obama because he wants the Pathetic Democrats to stay in charge as he marches on.
What do you think was going on in Benghazi? Hillary and Obama were arming jihadists atnd shipping them to Syria to depose Assad,Putin knew it and put a stop to it.
He could blow them out of the water but he won’t,he’s not an idiot like Rubio and Hillary and Obama.