1: Who any of them are.
2: Who the hell Mr. Treve Suazo is
3: What if any security clearances they hold (doubtful)
4: Who had access to the TS data
5: Where that data is now.
Effing Outstanding!
In New Jersey? So, it was run by the Mob (like everything else in NJ).
What I’m waiting for is the “everybody has been hacked” excuse. Chi-Coms and NORKS have compromised all government employees.
A classic “what difference at this point does it make?”.
Let me begin, in 2011, the expectation that government email accounts are hacked by foreign entities, was much lower.
Due diligence to prevent hacking, especially at this level is: expected.
She is showing her scorn for the people. This arrogant America-hating lawbreaker needs to go to jail.
What is on the thumb drives? Hillary had everything in digital format and chose to print out 110 reams of paper hard copies to turn over to the State Department. She is really re-defining the meaning of dirt-bag.
Her server is Jell-O!