They are marching demanding guns not be sold in a city in which they are outlawed. It does not get any more stupid than this my friends.
What a massive fail.
In a city of 12 million, where support for more restrictive gun laws is the densest in the Nation, they can rally a few dozen marchers to their cause.
Epic Fail.
Their “cause” has had massive failures of reason, logic, data and falling public support.
This is pitiful. More second amendment supporters turn out for a march in the wilds of Idaho than support more restrictions in New York City.
And Yahoo! reports it in spin worthy of Pravda.
Hey ,
Wait a Darn Minute!
Wasn’t this near them Towers that a few Cowards with a bunch of Razors killed Three Thousand Innocent Civilians?
oh look ,,
a Squirrel!
Confiscate all the guns and federalize all local police. That will fix everything. /s
I guess it would be asking too much to expect a reporter to do a little fact checking?
Truth is that the majority of the people of New York city are big government sheeple. I wouldn’t visit New York city under any circumstances.