Paul attended Baylor University from fall 1981 to summer 1984 and was enrolled in the honors program. During the time he spent at Baylor, he was involved in the swim team and the Young Conservatives of Texas and was a member of a secret organization known as the NoZe Brotherhood. Paul also regularly contributed to The Baylor Lariat. Paul left Baylor early, without completing either his Bachelor’s degree in biology or in English, when he was accepted into the Duke University School of Medicine. At the time, Duke did not require an undergraduate degree for admission to its graduate school. He earned a M.D. degree in 1988 and completed his residency in 1993.
Source: Wikipedia
WaPo, you must might want to read Obama’s book.
Take it from there, morons, if you REALLY want to check a ghost written book about a lying b*stard.
THEnN, we’ll talk about backgrunds, buttholes.
Wow..awesome work wapo..took an off the cuff remark and did due diligence..won’t examine or ask for barry’s college grades or papers..if they didn’t have double standards they would have no standards at all...
Technically, he misspoke. However, since he is an MD, I’m sure Paul knows quite a bit about biology.
I’d say an MD is effectively a biology degree for the purposes of discussion with someone who has an English degree.
A nephew of mine was admitted to law school without an undergraduate degree. I have to assume that it must be a common thing that is done. My nephew lacked only a few hours of study to get his undergraduate degree but is now a successful ambulance chaser! ;-)
Cruz stole much of Rand Paul's thunder when he adopted the same position on pot.
Rand Paul is a medical school graduate with a license o practice medicine.Although a medical degree may not be,strictly speaking,a biology degree,it certainly certifies that the holder has a strong knowledge of human biology.
a medical degree is essentially a study of biology
Sen. Paul is a doctor. How did he get there without an undergraduate degree?
Look - Rand Paul is not ignorant. He’s smart, and he’s educated. He just happens to be stupid - a LOT !
Me, too. I am sick to death of ambush journalism and very selective investigations (i.e. only of pols with whom one disagrees), but frankly if it helps Cruz at Paul's expense then I'm OK with it.
Strictly speaking, Paul lied. Realistically, being a licensed MD, he knows more about biology that 99.9% of the people on the planet - good enough to have an intelligent discussion about it on policy grounds, and then quite a bit more.
How could you get a biology degree twice in one day?
Don’t they recognize degrees conferred by Aquabuddha?
This is stupid. Can we move along?
Sen. Rand has a Doctorate in human biology and more. Obama claims he is a Constitutional expert but it doesn’t show.
Sen. Rand has a Doctorate in human biology and more. Obama claims he is a Constitutional expert but it doesn’t show.
I'm not a Paul guy, but not because of this.
...Anyway, Cruz '16!
I don’t like Rand Paul, but this is ridiculous. It sounds more like they are trying to hype him than criticize him.