The system of governance in Obama-World is MOB RULE.
You have the MOB of criminals and moochers in the White House leading the MOBS in places like Ferguson, MO.
Law, order and the US Constitution are spit on as outdated concepts thought up by old white men to keep browns and blacks from getting "their fair share" of America's wealth.
Obama and his promises of Hope and Change are the Trojan Horse that unleashed hordes of looters and moochers on America and opened the gates to swarms of illegal alien moochers and terrorists from around the world.
They have all risen to follow the moocher King and Queen in the White House as they kill the Goose that lays the golden eggs.
Absolutely nothing. The same young black males who kill other young black males will go on with their killing. The lives of the black residents of Ferguson will not be improved on iota.
The rest of the whites in Ferguson will either move out or die of old age...the latter already older people unable to sell their houses and under siege from out of control crime. Like many towns, Ferguson will end up virtually all black. When things don't get better, who will they blame for all their problems with all the whites gone?
Yep just like the good days living in the Congo.
The only problem with the Ferguson police is they didn’t set up a couple 7.62 belt feds and open up on the looters running out of the stores they were destroying.
Like a pustule on the human body, build a wall around it and let it burn itself out.
Dissolve entire police force and see first hand what happens when ISIS enters a Town
As log as you somehow can keep the miscreants in their area and stop them from spreading out to other places, let them get their wish. No police. Hope they enjoy it.
Whomever on the Ferguson police force who doesn’t have their resume out to a dozen other departments is crazy. Leave it all to the ferals.
Put in an all Black police force. Can’t complain then
Right! Only two cops have been shot!