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We're No. 1 (and We're Going to Stay That Way) Why the prophets of American decline are wrong.
The Financial Post ^ | July 3, 2014 | Tom Donilon

Posted on 07/04/2014 12:25:14 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

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To: B4Ranch

Sadly, I am probably the Number #1 person to do that.

41 posted on 07/04/2014 1:26:07 PM PDT by miss marmelstein (Richard Lives Yet!)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

We have now passed the “tipping point” in this country, and the unproductive element of our population now outnumber the productive. No past civilization has ever survived such a situation as we now find ourselves in, and I don’t see how, at this point, we could ever turn it around.

Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (often referred to as The Theory of Survival of the Fittest) describes the positive effects resulting from any “pressure” on an animal species that removes the least fit among the species and allows only the most fit of the species to reproduce. Many of us are well aware of this “Survival of the Fittest” theory, but few are aware that Darwin also makes mention of the negative effects resulting from unlimited reproduction of a species’ least fit when the weak, the lazy, and the stupid are left unchecked.

We like to think otherwise, but our species, Homo sapiens, isn’t that long “out of the trees” and the same laws of nature that affect all of God’s creatures apply equally to us. If we were to observe any other species that had been allowed to reproduce without limitations, we would know immediately what the consequences will be.

Whenever the weak; lazy; and stupid of a species are allowed to reproduce unimpeded by predators that feed off the weak; lazy; and stupid, they soon outnumber the strong, productive, and intelligent. When the weak/lazy/stupid dominate the gene pool, the entire population becomes weak/ lazy/stupid, and then the population collapses.

In the past, when these collapses occurred within human populations, they have been referred to as a “Malthusian Collapse.” Thomas Malthus, a Nineteenth Century Economist, thought these collapses were caused simply because past civilizations had reached a point where human populations could no longer produce sufficient food supplies to feed themselves, but he never pinned down the exact reason for the food shortages.

We now think these collapses of past human civilizations have occurred whenever the unproductive weak/lazy/stupid greatly outnumber the strong/productive/intelligent of the population. In other words, the majority of the population becomes too lazy to perform the work necessary to provide for themselves and what’s left of the strong/productive/intelligent refuses to continue to do it for them.

These collapses have occurred at frequent intervals throughout human history, and Western Civilization is, in my humble opinion, currently on the cusp of one of these collapses.

42 posted on 07/04/2014 1:27:29 PM PDT by DJ Taylor (Once again our country is at war,and once again the Democrats have sided with our enemy.)
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To: FredZarguna

I think maybe “FREE STUFF” signs leading into funnels ending in automatic gunfire would be a good start...maybe that’s a little over the top?

43 posted on 07/04/2014 1:31:21 PM PDT by Blue Collar Christian (There's only one reason for authorities to take the arms of good people.)
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To: huldah1776

But remember, God DOES forgive, for He is the GREAT DIVINE MERCY, for those who turn to Him to REPENT, He does FORGIVE even those who kill children.

44 posted on 07/04/2014 1:34:03 PM PDT by Biggirl (“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
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To: huldah1776

Plus also God forgives because of what Jesus did on the Cross. What is needed is to REPENT and BELIEVE.


45 posted on 07/04/2014 1:38:28 PM PDT by Biggirl (“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
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To: Biggirl

Yes he does forgive the individual who repents, as did King Manassah who started the practice but God did NOT forgive the nation of Judah. He warned them before they went into the Promised Land. They were given the land because the natives were practicing child sacrifice, not because they were better than the natives. He said if you do this, you will be invaded. Is America being invaded? Did any nations in South America practice human sacrifice? The American natives were said to do so also, but no one talks about it.

46 posted on 07/04/2014 1:42:40 PM PDT by huldah1776
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

even if conservatives decided on the divorce and moved to some remote Arctic Island, you know the Left and it’s military would eventually attack. They couldn’t leave us alone.

The minute you tried to enforce border protection, didn’t worship diversity and the gay lifestyle and strictly enforced laws the Left US would declare a violation of human rights, bring in the UN and invade.

The divorce would only work if the every conservative that joins the new nation has the backbone to absolutely 100% destroy the Left’s Nation if they tried any military or police action.

47 posted on 07/04/2014 1:43:12 PM PDT by roofgoat
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To: roofgoat
The United States is the United Nations. It's not a coincidence that it was founded in San Francisco and resides in New York City. If we were to split in two, roughly half (or more) of America's military power would go with us. But I understand what you're saying. The only thing that keeps me from moving to Singapore or the Philippines is the knowledge that they wouldn't let me alone.
48 posted on 07/04/2014 1:52:21 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet (The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
When Kissinger wrote the above words in 1961, he did have some valid concerns. At the time, the U.S. economy was struggling to grow its way out of a recession. The Soviet Union had launched the world's first artificial satellite, known as Sputnik, into orbit. The nation went into a panic, thinking we had fallen behind in technological innovation and would soon be outspent and outmatched by Moscow.

In 1961 our coinage was made of Silver and our dollar was backed by Gold.

In 1961 we had a president that believed in the goodness of the USA and the superiority of Capitalism. Today we have a president that United States that believes that the US is a purveyor of evil in the world and is dead set on destroying the power and might of this nation.

In 1961 the United States had a Congress that believed in the Constitution of the United States and defended the powers of that body against the incursions of those powers of the President. Today the Congress is almost wholly unwilling to defend the Constitution against an imperialist President that openly states that he will act unilaterally to usurp the legislative power of the Congress.

In 1961 we were an English speaking nation that demanded that immigrants come here in a lawful fashion and learn English and assimilate in to our society. Immigrants also had to support themselves or have a sponsor that guaranteed that the immigrant would not be a burden on society.

In 1961 public employees could not form unions and were generally paid much less than their private sector counterparts.

In 1961 the United States was a net exporting nation of industrial products. In 1961 the United States was the banker for the world not the debtor of the world.

All of the unity, strength and greatness that was the United States in 1961 has been weakened and eliminated by 50+ years of Socialist Liberal reform and social engineer purported to make us all equal.

Well the only way that the socialist liberals can make us all equal is to make us all equally poor and miserable. And by hook or crook thet’re are succeeding.

49 posted on 07/04/2014 1:54:28 PM PDT by Pontiac (The welfare state must fail because it is contrary to human nature and diminishes the human spirit.)
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To: huldah1776

But did not when a nation repents God backs away from the punishment?

50 posted on 07/04/2014 1:56:02 PM PDT by Biggirl (“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
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To: Biggirl

So are your eyes.

51 posted on 07/04/2014 1:56:21 PM PDT by huldah1776
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To: huldah1776

I do not understand.

52 posted on 07/04/2014 1:57:13 PM PDT by Biggirl (“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Sorry, this is horseshit. We aren’t the same country were were in 1961. We aren’t even the same “Americans”.

“For all our optimism, Americans have always worried about our place in the world. It’s in our DNA, and it helps drive our renewal. “

Our DNA isn’t even the same. We’ve mutated reinforcing all the worst that is in our midst. We have violated the laws of natural selection providing for the survival and prospering of the fittest and the brightest. We have allowed and encouraged mediocrity to rise when it should not have and what is worse, we have thrown up terrible barriers to success.

53 posted on 07/04/2014 2:51:11 PM PDT by Sequoyah101
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

-- Abraham Lincoln

54 posted on 07/04/2014 3:08:07 PM PDT by Iron Munro (The Obamas Black skin has morphed into Teflon thanks to the Obama Media)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

“The only thing that keeps me from moving to Singapore or the Philippines is the knowledge that they wouldn’t let me alone.”
Who would not leave you alone? I have no worry about the US Gvmt. bothering me. They will have their hands-full just controlling the masses back home.

55 posted on 07/04/2014 3:25:22 PM PDT by AlexW
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Sorry, clear thinking people are being breeded out

he is wrong.

56 posted on 07/04/2014 3:32:50 PM PDT by RaceBannon (Lk 16:31 And he said unto him If they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will theybe persuaded)
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To: AlexW

Do you still have to file a 1040?

57 posted on 07/04/2014 3:34:22 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet (The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself.)
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To: Biggirl

It took me months to do the study. One hard part of reading the Bible cover to cover is that it is not in chronological order. 1 & 2 Samuel, Kings and Chronicles cover the same time periods. Before I did the study I thought Israel kept doing the same things over and over. They did to a certain degree, but the whole Old Testament fits together like a glove.

I read the International Inductive Study Bible (New American Standard Version) because it has the timelines in it that help put it all together. Who was ruling, who the prophets were, when they lived. I use the NASV because it is the closest to the original in translation but not as discordant as Young’s (which I do use for reference) and it also gives other definitions along the side.

Lamentations was written after they were invaded by the Babylonians (was in the land we now call Iraq). God’s working of history through governments is not the same as with the individual because we are judged eternally individually but a nation is not eternal.

I wrote the study out as a warning against abortion, not as a simple study of judgment against nations, but I really should do that. Having a little time this weekend I will try. I haven’t been able to write a paper since my son went to Afghanistan 2 years ago. Get all the info but can’t put it together. Maybe taking one apart will be easier.

One thing I learned about God’s view of justice is really hard to grasp and explain. It has to do with corporate sin. If a group of people murder a prophet at one point and then many years later another generation of those people murder the next prophet, God’s vengeance against even a third group who have murdered their prophet will not be satisfied until the Messiah returns or comes (depending on your point of view). The verse that explains this is in Revelation 18:24. (I always read things in context, sometimes a couple of chapters)

21 Then a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer. 22 And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer; and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer; 23 and the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.”

This last verse, #24, is one major example of how God views time and sin and how He will avenge the deaths of prophets, saints and those murdered. The reason this is applicable is because in time/history those who commit those murders and have NOT repented are part of the corporation of sinners who follow Satan.

Those who stand before the throne and ask God how long it will be before their deaths are avenged know that God’s final outpouring of wrath against Babylon of Revelation will bring about an end to the murder of the Children of God. Which is why we go to court most of the time, so an evil act is not ever done again.

I will work on what I call the Manasseh Judgment and post it for you. God’s judgment for child sacrifice could be delayed, also, but not for long.

58 posted on 07/04/2014 3:49:19 PM PDT by huldah1776
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

“Do you still have to file a 1040?”
No. I have not filed ANY tax forms in over ten years.
My Social Security is direct deposited into my Philippine bank on the 4th of each month, like clockwork. It is apparently paid out from the embassy in each country.
I was out of the country when I started receiving SS.
I have had no other income out of the US.

59 posted on 07/04/2014 3:51:02 PM PDT by AlexW
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I agree. Oklahoma, Texas and the states of the old South should form a new country and call it The Free States of America.

60 posted on 07/04/2014 3:55:06 PM PDT by SVTCobra03 (You can never have enough friends, horsepower or ammunition.)
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