What the Hell is this guy on?
“Obama: Our Future Rests On The Success Of DREAM Kids”
This man is insane, absolutely insane. There isn’t a SINGLE area of the world or this country that this MOPRON hasn’t screwed up. Either deliberately or through his own incompetence. The list is endless.
He needs to be in a straitjacket.
There must be some kind of insect living in his brain.
Is he living in a Box , with his help the Middle east is in Flames
That person has a never-ending loop of fantasy inside his own head!!!
He’s nuttier than these kids on drugs who shoot up their schools.
Just because he says so does not make it true.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
What 99% of Americans see as a failed foreign policy, Obama sees as a success. He won't stop and he won't turn it around. Obama sees himself on a success tract. Do expect him to change, why would he, he's succeeding.
Seriously, he needs a complete physical and mental examination and drug testing as well. This is no joke—if he actually believes what he said, he is delusional and incapable of continuing in office.
Brain dead.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that Obama was telling us we Americans ‘should be ashamed’ because of all the crazed mass killers popping up everywhere? I say look into the mirror, Mr. O, then YOU be ashamed, deeply ashamed of what you’ve done to injure this nation.
OMG, this subhuman is INSANE!
This has been Bizarro World Update, brought to you by...
Taliban Mullah in Chief Obama fights Wars to lose, by running away and leaving OUR troops behind.
The world is teeing up for the biggest race war in history. The sides are teeing up and battle lines are being drawn.
But ofcourse, he wants this.
The Emperor shows his nakedness once again.
Clint Eastwood’s empty chair was never more apt.