Go to your doctor and say you're here for your "free" annual checkup. If he asks you ANY question whatsoever, just say you can't discuss that with him. Name and serial number only, that's it.
Just say you want your free stuff and that's it.
Now, how is he going to know which diagnostic test to order if he you can't tell him any of your medical information? He won't. Just say you want them all. Every single test that is free whether it applies to you or not, just get it. But don't give ANY medical information at all about yourself
Sounds like really good healthcare to me.
I wants mah free Obamaprobe!
I actually just heard this at the presentation at my job today about the plan we are switching too. The broker (or whatever he was, he was not the guy from the insurance company) also said: you know how Obamacare has made prices go up.
I was a little surprised to hear a pro just say that straight out like that.
Not that it isn’t true of course!
Like I said this is a new place for me, but that made me feel pretty comfortable there.
The coverage and the cost is very much ok, so I am very grateful for that. And the big boss actually went himself and got extra chairs for me and 2 other ladies who were standing, so that was also very nice.
Good grief! What good is a physical if you go in, play dumb, and discuss nothing--a waste of time.
you need an I.D. card to have Obamacare, but you don’t need one to vote.........????
But he promised.
Extortion-Care is the Government LOBBY Work-Camp: Arbeitsziehungslager
krokr: “ACA” = traducer. Attempted body takover by the Dia-bolos Traducer. slavre: DRUDGERY, toil- Websters.
DRUDGERY is the Lobby-ist Workcamp.
“Resist the Diabolis, and he will flee from you.”
That makes sense to me. Why shouldn't it be this way? A physical is an examination and oral or written health history. Simply responding to the interview questions will not trigger the copay. Volunteering something separate most certainly can (if the office chooses to bill for it). But if you made a separate appointment to complain about the new condition you'd have to pay anyway. So what's the problem? Why should the physical include for free evaluation and/or treatment that is not part of the physical?