All the money in the world won’t stop mass shootings!
It would be interesting if somebody looked at, say, the top 20 mass shootings and see how many of them might have been prevented with these laws in force.
The Newtown massacre certainly wouldn’t have been.
A little loan to the Brady Bunch.
does not take money to prevent mass shootings. Cancel ALL firearms restrictions, go to national constitutional carry and encourage school personnel to carry on the job. Require a weapon and certificate of combat/self defense training to board any train, bus or airplane providing transportation within the boundaries of the United States. There are probably a few points that I missed but do the above and 99% of the mass shootings and hijackings will be pure history.
Show me one law that would have kept those children and the 6 adults alive and I’ll back it. So far, I have seen nothing that could have prevented that nut from doing what he did. Like it or not, that is reality.