Part and parcel of Obama’s policy - if you can’t destroy the nation from inside, lure a foreign power into doing it from the outside.
Besides, the Democrats prefer to use the money to buy votes from corrupt Americans with various government give-aways and scams.
Its not the disaster you might imagine. As long as the general populace is well armed no foreign power would be stupid enough to take us on....exc Barry and his minions. I imagine those cut from the military will find a home at DHS. So, really the standing army hasnt been cut just shuffled around w/ a far less restrictive ROE. At the same time the liberals are pushing ‘gun control’ so they might completely consolidate their power.
The US is broke so where is the money going to come from to rebuild our military if obozo is allowed to destroy it? There are way too many skunks in the DC woodpile that are allowing the head skunk in the WH to orchestrate the demise of our country!! Tar and feathers? No, a firing squad!
I am in a quandary here. I do realize that the US has foreign enemies, but I also realize that the Federal government is the number one threat to my liberty and prosperity.
An observer of US history will note that the tragic consequences of such unpreparedness is that the time lag required to bring the armed forces up to a fighting posture when needed has always been paid for in the blood of young Americans and at exorbitant costs. If you think that is okay, I recommend that you see if you can find a survivor of the early period of the Korean war and inquire. There may still be a few of those heroes around, but very few. You perhaps can still find a WWII survivor and inquire as to how it felt to go up a German 88 with the weapons you had available. If you note, our forces were behind the power curve on the ground and in the air. Personally, I think it is criminal to knowingly put our forces in that position again.
Change the Q to “Is this a good time to end our role as world policeman and nation builder and defend the USA only? Hint: We are so broke we are borrowing from China and no matter which side we die for, we lose.
Once cannot be serious about cutting bloated, unnecessary spending while ignoring the Pentagon.