Personally, I’m shocked. I never expected this. (/s)
In addition, the parasitic 47% would ALSO be bought, vote-wise, by FORCING wealth-redistribution to pay for Insurance for those ALREAY living off others.
Americans being forced to take the Obamacare treatment will soon realize what having a demented Democrat majority means.
In terms of coverage, BoehnerCare has the most impact on so-called Cadillac plans (labor unions, congress) and individual non-employer based catastrophic plans. It reduces coverage at the top, and establishes new minimum coverage and costs at the bottom.
Many of the uninsured will be persuaded to buy coverage through the new health exchanges, bit most will not. The “bending the curve” expected will not occur and the economics will fall apart for insurers and State budgets.
Add this to the disincentive to work expressed in this article and you have a much larger effect than a mere train wreck, you have fundamentally changed America forever.
More voters for the Un-American party.
Its not a bug, its a feature.
Medical care in this country will fall into three categories:
People stuck in Obamacare
Retires on Medicare
Working people who can afford to join Concierge medical services
The first two will be worse or as bad as Britain medical system
Concierge medical services will be the future as doctors who are done with the federal government running their lives will practice like in the old days...
As an example: Annual cost up front: $3,000 to $5,000 to join or be a patient
All services provided at a reasonable cost...
Overhead cost drop like a stone, malpractice insurance rates are driven down as you get to pick your patients...No insurance company dictating who you can and can not do
It's coming...already is here in spots across the country
Don’t you think people just won’t buy/provide the insurance and pay the fines, which are pretty cheap at this point.
Long sob story short, I lost my insurance (and job) this year. I’ll look at the coverage available for me and hubby, but hey, as ever you can’t get blood from a stone.
Boy is the Obama look-back going to be embarrasing for his fans in the media. I think they’re the only “base” he has left.