Enough said.
1 posted on
07/03/2013 10:19:00 AM PDT by
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To: fwdude
Mostly hating themselves and blaming their failures on Whitey.
37 posted on
07/03/2013 10:47:06 AM PDT by
I want the USA back
(If I Pi$$ed off just one liberal today my mission has been accomplished.)
To: fwdude
Applause for Prof. Kambon's suggestion to make the world a better place -- "Kill all white people."
Kamau Kambon is a professor at North Carolina State University since 2003, he has taught a number of Afrocentric courses.
To: fwdude
And they would be right. Many blacks have evolved from “victim” class mentality to “entitled” class mentality where they expect to be given everything they want from those of us who produce ... in effect making us their slaves
42 posted on
07/03/2013 10:51:49 AM PDT by
(Evil WILL flourish when good men WILL not act)
To: fwdude
Americans consider blacks more likely to be more racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.
45 posted on
07/03/2013 11:15:24 AM PDT by
(Stand or die)
To: fwdude
They seem to be obsessed with race to the exclusion of everything else.
51 posted on
07/03/2013 11:30:48 AM PDT by
To: fwdude
Wow! What a surprise that blacks are more racist than white! . . . said no intelligent person ever.
To: fwdude
Wow! What a surprise that blacks are more racist than whites! . . . said no intelligent person ever.
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