It kept Mitt Romney out of the White House.
Even if the blowback happens and Obama is forced out, it's not Romney who replaces him, it's Biden. And if not Biden, it's Boehner.
But it's not Romney, who got 50 million American votes to be President.
I believe it will be his legacy -vs- her candidacy. Anyone taking bets?
No, once again Lucy will pull the football from us just as we are about to kick the Muslim Ovomit and his entire Obomination administration out of office.
Hillary will be doing the Treason Twist and the Dereliction Double step...
So if Hillary gets called back for more testimony, what is to keep her from saying, “Frankly, I don’t recall” AGAIN? It worked before and with our “deep in the tank” media, it will work again!
And hell is what is coming, one way or the other, because this time unlike the Clinton impeachment the big dogs are in play, in the form of hordes of very pissed-off special ops agents, patriotic spooks, forcibly retired generals and clandestine operatives who know where the bodies are buried. If the Obama administration turned its back on Chris Stevens and the three other brave Americans who died that day for crass political purposes and, worse, if it let them die as collateral damage in its own gunrunning operation to Syria the men and women who stand watch for this country all through the night are going to come out of the shadows, quickly.
This last paragraph is very important. Hope they all have a chance to testify.