His excellency lost on this issue so that is why he is now doubling down on the gun issues. Just like a petulent child, he has got to have his way.
Head start? Head start on what? Federal socialist indoctrination? Where do we find the authorization for this in the constitution? Our children and our nation will be much better off when this unconstitutional socialist program goes into the trash bin of history where it belongs!!
Likewise with the dept of education, the labor dept, the energy dept, the USDA, HUD, Freddie, Fannie, The Fed, the war on poverty, the EPA, and the whole host of unconstitutional federal departments, agencies, commissions, programs and boondoggles. The only areas the central government should be involved in are those actually enumerated and delegated to it by the constitution and all else is reserved to the states and the people. The Washington Communist Post be damned!! FUBO!!
Obama’s partying and golfing and vacationing is coming home to roost.
Klein couldn't be more wrong. The offending piece of the bill is not canceled at all. Instead, a bill is written allowing funds from other accounts from within the same agency to cover the loss of funds in the "politically painful" account. Any competent administrator could easily achieve this WITHOUT any bill being passed. Obama is, of course, not a competent administrator.
What is really happening is that the Republicans are calling Obama's bluff, and offering a bill that simply proves Obama's incompetence. It's proof that the Boehner sequestration strategy has been quite effective, and Obama is caving. You won't see that said in the legacy media.