Posted on 03/07/2013 3:11:25 PM PST by SMGFan
No, I’m an attorney.
Producing the Democratic voters of tomorrow .....
Yes, I am, thank you, ma’am.
And I do my best to teach 7th grade math to all who get off the bus every morning. It has been my experience that even the students who have come up through saxon math, although they score well on the “standardized” tests, they cannot apply their “previously acquired” skills, and they do not perform well on “standardized” tests at the upper levels.
I applaud you and your home-school success! More power to you!!
Apparently, your children are the exception - as are mine.
After having children at age 28, I was a stay-at-home-mom. My husband and I did consider “home-schooling;” however, we chose public school for our children - and they have been VERY successful. (Probably due to our parenting... - which, by the way, from my experience, is lacking in the public school arena - and another reason I am a public school teacher: TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of children who are not so fortunate as to have caring, involved parents.)
The oldest is a graduate from Auburn University with a B.S. in Poultry Science and a Master’s in Microbiology - soon-to-be a PhD candidate at Purdue University.
Our middle child is a graduate of Huntingdon College with a degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing.
Both boys excelled on the ACT and received academic scholarships for their college educations. (Thank goodness! Otherwise, we could not have afforded the tuition without loans.)
Our youngest is in public school, 8th grade, and doing very well in Algebra (no Saxon math). She, like her brothers, is involved in soccer, band, show choir, and theater.
You may not like public schools; however, I, my husband, and our children are exemplary examples of public education.
I strive to instill in my students a respect for the basic foundations of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, per our U.S. Constitution, all the while attempting to teach them the basics of 7th grade mathematics.
Please do not disrespect me and my vocation - because I disagree with you regarding Saxon math.
My children are not exceptional. They were merely homeschooled. They are normally bright and likely not any smarter than the children of any Freeper. There are many homeschooling families with similar stories. It is common.
It is not a matter of liking or disliking government K-12 schooling. I merely call it what it is: a middle class entitlement that is a socialist-funded, single-payer, GODLESS, compulsory-use, and price-fixed monopoly cartel.
Children who attend will learn to think and reason godlessly. They must just to cooperate in the classroom that is godless by law. How could it possibly be otherwise? By the way, these godless classrooms are not religiously neutral in content or consequences. The children also risk learning to leave their religious beliefs in the trash can next to the door of their public lives.
Also....By attending these government schools children risk learning to be comfortable with government socialist, single-payer, godless, compulsory-use, price-fixed monopoly cartels.
Personally, I don't understand why anyone would agree to uphold and establish such a system and force on children and the taxpayer....But...Hey! Some people are, indeed, called by God. It certainly is possible. Maybe some are called to work in abortion centers, too, because they might be able to sneak in a little God-centered goodness once in a while. That, too, is possible. Who am I to say that a person does or does not have a “calling” ?
Oh wow Look!
A thread on your very favorite topic.
Geeesh where to start...
Well, the unions are RAT, the "teachers" are RAT, the low information parents are RAT, hell most of NYC is RAT.
Of course we are assuming a lot just thinking the "teachers" can read.
“By the way, these godless classrooms are not religiously neutral in content or consequences. The children also risk learning to leave their religious beliefs in the trash can next to the door of their public lives.”
So say you... I cannot tell you the numerous times my students have come to me with heavy hearts... AND WE HAVE PRAYED TO OUR GOD - one-on-one, that child and me...
“Personally, I don’t understand why anyone would agree to uphold and establish such a system and force on children and the taxpayer....But...Hey! Some people are, indeed, called by God. It certainly is possible. Maybe some are called to work in abortion centers, too...”
Now that is just repugnant... How dare you compare my teaching to abortion!
Shame on you.
I find YOUR comments abhorring.
WOW! You have issues... If you need a friend, I am here...
BTW: My “mantra” during childbirth is the same every morning on my way to public school: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~ Philippians 4:13
I know nothing about **your** specifics. I discuss government education in GENERAL I cannot control your take on my posts, though. That is entirely within your domain of influence.
There are some fundamental characteristics common to all government owned and run GODLESS and socialist-entitlement schooling: This is not something that I would seek work teaching a child.
1) It is godless. Those teachers who do attempt to sneak in some Christianity are risking teaching powerful lessons: Christians are sneaky and they break the law. That is not a good thing to teach children and I personally would never choose that line of work.
2) Children who attend government schools risk learning that any voting mob powerful enough to give them socialist entitlement and tuition-free schooling is powerful enough to give them lots of free stuff. This is not a good thing to do to children and something I personally would not do.
Re: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:13
Yep! I lived that principle having home educated three children. And...Through the power of Christ it **is** possible to collapse the godless government school system. and bring children into an educational environment that is truly and thoroughly Christian and conservative and not the least bit sneaky about it.
Re: Abortion
Have you read the Barna reports? 85% of children from highly active evangelical homes fail to be active in their faith 2 years after graduating from high school. In contrast 95% of homeschoolers are active in their faith. Abortion merely aborts the body. Government schools abort the souls. Of the two, spiritual death is far more grave. Therefore.....Mentioning government schooling and abortion in the same paragraph or sentence is completely appropriate.
( Not proof read. I am in a hurry.)
Please explain why you are such an Ass!
While we’re at it, here’s another question for you. Have you stopped beating your wife yet???
Please explain why you are such an Ass!
You wouldn't happen to be a union-thug educRAT would you?
Why should they sue their parents? It’s the teacher’s job to teach the children to read. Parents aren’t qualified teachers, doncha know. At least that’s what I have been told over and over again as I have homeschooled my 3 children. At least 2 out of 3 of my children can read. The ‘baby’ has just started learning to read and is still learning the phonics sounds.
That’s exactly the purpose of every government employee—that’s also why we’re in this serious financial problem.
Ah. I see. You are one of those typical clown trolls. You need new material.
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