I not sure the stock market will be going up, but I’m pretty sure that the number of dollars needed to buy a particular stock, will be going up. Our whole economy is fake and a joke, and its all over but the revelation and the laughing.
Well you can’t tell people it’s going to tank...they’d freak out!
Someone mention not too long ago that we shouldn’t look to the stock market as a gauge of overall economic health.
That still hold true?
It might be news if the market were the real economy at the level of the people. The number of people with disposable income to buy products and services is shrinking, the number of dollars left for them to buy these goods and services is shrinking and overall the number of dollars the average person who still has a job has available to invest in the market is shrinking.
We will before too long reach a point at which this facade can no longer be propped up.
Now I have read somewhere that since the Federal Reserve System was established, the dollar has lost 90% of its value. Accepting that as a working figure, today's Dow Jones Industrial Average in real dollars is 1,411.
If my memory, assumptions, and stubby pencil work are accurate; that means little real gains have been made since the Federal Reserve System was established. Again if I am correct, what we are seeing is the systematic plundering of the middle class's wealth by the purposeful debasing of our currency.
And remember, as specified by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the sole authority and responsibility; “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin...” Congress unconstitutionally ceded this authority to an illegitimate Federal Reserve System composed of private banks.
So, “We The People”; your Congress can't pass a budget let alone a balanced budget. And it has allowed a group of private banks to debase your currency for about the last 100 years to the point you have no real money. These conditions lead to not only a stock market crash but a currency crash.
And the crash is coming fast. When it arrives you will lose everything. Your fiat currency will be worthless. Taxes on real property will explode and you will have nothing to pay the taxes with. So your real property will be seized by banks and governments. And you will be beggars.
Remember the last time something like this happened? It was called the Great Depression. It took the Federal Government's illegal seizing of real money, gold, and a World War to come out of it.
Look to China and Russia. History is getting set to repeat itself. And we are in no position to prevail.
Interesting. Dow’s well over 14,000 now (over 14,100 even).
During the hyperinflation and economic collapse of Zimbabwe, their stock markets soared too (in relation to their worthless currency).