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Defund Obamacare or Bust ^
| Feb. 28, 2013
| Daniel Horowitz
Posted on 02/28/2013 9:46:36 AM PST by justiceseeker93
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To: Vision
I agree with you that Obamacare forces insurance companies to pay out more in benefits and that rates are going up - as a natural consequence of the increased payouts, guaranteed issue regardless of medical history, and forcing "community rating" on the insurers.
I agree as well that "they're on an unsustainable path" and that the end game projected is a one size fits all, single-payer government insurer like in Canada.
But how does Obamacare "provide a weak promise to put more money into the system"? Please explain that.
To: justiceseeker93
But how does Obamacare "provide a weak promise to put more money into the system"? Please explain that.
The individual mandate is the promise and it's weak because it's a based on a theory and enforcement of the mandate barely exists.
They justified the increased benefits payout by saying more money would come into the system since everyone now has to buy health insurance. And they rationalized that these new subscribers wouldn't use benefits since they're healthy and low risk. They ignored that many are probably illegal aliens. The penalty for not buying is low and nobody really knows how it's going to be enforced.
posted on
03/01/2013 5:39:45 PM PST
(Obama is king of the "Takers." Don't be a "Taker.")
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