Juan-o is not looking too good..... and sounding even worse (dumber).
He has a point some what, I personally would have like to have had a working husband of a candidate like Todd Palin instead, but you have to go with what you have. Its the hand we’ve been dealt.
“A Corporate Wife”!!! The HORROR!!! is she worse then the devil??
seriously , not knowing much about Mitt or his CW, My wife and I really enjoyed her speech. She seems pretty bright and well spoken...
She was also easy on the eyes... :)
But I am sure Mrs Zero has TONS more real world experience and is much closer to my life*
And what is wrong with being a corporate wife?
To be fair to Williams, I have heard many people on both right and left denigrate women who have chosen to be helpmates to their husband’s career.
And what is wrong with being a corporate wife?
To be fair to Williams, I have heard many people on both right and left denigrate women who have chosen to be helpmates to their husband’s career.
Well, you'll be grabbing it a lot, and I'm doing the same. Since Juan was ditched by NPR and became more full time on Fox, he seems to pop up on almost every program throughout the day, taking the liberal side. Actually, I used to think he was fairly tolerable for a liberal, but now he's on too often and it's easy to become tired of seeing him. He's definitely overexposed, whatever a viewer might think of his commentary.
I thought the most insulting thing Juan said came when he was pressed by Megyn Kelly to explain what he meant by “corporate wife. Juan answered, “She looks like a woman whose husband takes care of her.”
Michelle Malkin Tweet:
In prog(gressive) world “corporate wives” are out of touch, but CRONY wives who wear $600 sneakers & take $500k Spanish vacays are salt of the earth!
Juan, you little bitch, what is it about breast cancer and MS that you don’t understand?
So, we're voting for wives now, come November?
So, we're voting for wives now, come November? Who CARES what Juan,or anyone else for that matter, say about a family member of a candidate?
Juan Williams job is to give the left line. Fox brings him and people like Alan Colmes in to maintain their “fair and balanced” slogan. Often, I don’t think they believe what they are saying, but that is what they get paid to do.
Juan’s prejudices are showing.
FOX: get rid of this stupid, rude liberal.
Juan provides FOX with the left-leaning side it needs for some ‘balance’
Otherwise we would need to switch channels and expose ourselves to (*shudder*) Rachel Maddow or (*cringe*) Big Ed on MSNBC or something
“A corporate wife.”
Oh the horrors, Juan. She supports her husband. How dare she?
Juan’s true ‘color’ is showing....
Well, I guess Juan Williams agrees that corporations are people, as only people can take wives.
(NB: CORPORATION comes from Latin CORPUS, CORPORIS, meaning “body”)
We are seeing signs of desperation from the leftist media everywhere we look today.
First, MSNBC saw fit to block viewers from seeing the speeches of the prominent minorities-a clear sign of malicious intent combined with fear.
Then, the NYT editorial board decided that Ann Romney’s speech somehow “slipped the knife” to the Obama campaign. We should take this as an understated compliment, as Ann Romney never mentioned Obama. What she did was make feminist women wonder about their support for the government as husband. No small thing, that, and the left should be afraid.
Then Juan Williams with his “corporate wife” description, which I believe he felt he had to do because he sensed the power of Ann Romney’s speech.
Desperation. That’s what we’re seeing.
Well I guess that makes Michelle Obama a “Freeloader’s Wife”
This disgusting racist needs to go back to NPR or MSNBC. I’ll be grabbing the remote control from now on when I see him come on the screen.